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How to Open Pumpkin Box in Pokemon UNITE


Pokemon UNITE trainers are attempting to figure out how to open the seasonal Pumpkin Box rewards.

Pokemon UNITE trainers are attempting to figure out how to open the seasonal Pumpkin Box rewards. / Game Freak, Tencent

Pokemon UNITE trainers are attempting to figure out how to open the seasonal Pumpkin Box rewards.

Thanks to the seasonal Halloween event, Pokemon UNITE trainers have a new type of currency to keep track of: pumpkins. This limited-time currency acts as the exclusive avenue players can use to both celebrate the event and earn themed rewards such as fashion items and holowear. Trainers can earn pumpkins on their own and in a group known as a Pumpkin Box.

Of course, to get the pumpkins inside, they’ll need to open the box, first.

Once earned, Pumpkin Boxes will end up in the player’s inventory as an item, meaning it will be listed in the Item Box. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to cracking them open and getting at that spoopy cash inside:

  1. From the main menu, locate and select the “Item Box” tab.
  2. Select the “Consumable Items” section on the tab.
  3. Scroll down to find the listing for “Pumpkin Box” within the section.
  4. Select the Pumpkin Box.
  5. Hit the corresponding button marked with “Use.”

That’s all there is to it!

Pumpkin Boxes can primarily be earned by completing in-game challenges, but those who have some extra pumpkins and want to test their luck can trade in two pumpkins for a box. Trainers can receive anywhere between 1-50 pumpkins per box—which makes the trade-in feature all the more tempting. However, as the pumpkin reward amount goes up, the probability of that specific amount goes down—e.g.: Trainers have a 60% chance to get 1 pumpkin compared to a 0.03% chance to pull 50 pumpkins.

Pokemon UNITE is currently available on the Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.

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