Spider-Man actor Tom Holland has been cast as Nathan Drake for the upcoming Uncharted movie that won’t follow any of the previous game’s stories but instead tell a new one focusing on a young Drake.
Had Sony Pictures went with a 1:1 adaptation of the games, actor Nolan North–who plays Drake in the game series–believes Chris Pine would have been a top choice for the role. North had a small role in Star Trek: Into Darkness, and working with Pine on some scenes, he saw that Pine would have made a very fitting Drake.
“I got to watch Chris Pine work, and [I] sat with him at lunch. One time in the makeup trailer I said, ‘If a script called Uncharted ever comes across your agent’s desk you should take a good hard look at it. Because I think you’d be perfect for it,'” North told Fandom.
North said he doesn’t believe it’s smart for the Uncharted movie to be a 1:1 adaptation of any of the games–which it won’t be. But if it were to be, Pine has all the qualities that would make for a good Drake, he said.
“Uncharted is a movie [already]. And you’re the star of that game. You’re the star of that movie. You’re Nathan Drake. Not me [Nolan North]. It’s my voice, it’s my movements, but you’re Nathan Drake,” North said. “You make the decision to jump, run, fall off a cliff. If they were doing a 1:1, Chris Pine is … I think he’s got the everyman quality. Charm. Humor. I really liked working with him. He’s a good solid actor and a good guy. That would be my top choice.”
The Uncharted movie also stars Mark Wahlberg as Sully. After many years and numerous delays, filming was set to begin earlier this year, but the COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. For more on the Uncharted movie, check out GameSpot’s rundown of the movie’s Development Hell.