League of Legends Patch 13.11: Big nerfs to ADCs

League of Legends Patch 13.11: Big nerfs to ADCs

A new League of Legends patch is here, and it will change how the game is played. This patch especially affects the bottom lane, with two of the main ADC of the past months receiving big nerfs.

However, not all ADCs were nerfed in patch 13.11. One of them received a significant buff, which made him climb plenty of places in the ADC tier list. Furthermore, ADC items also underwent major changes. Some were nerfed, others buffed, and others were tuned.

These item changes also heavily affect some ADCs. ADCs that are heavily reliant on one or two of the items that were nerfed in patch 13.11, will become less valuable. So, let’s find out which ACDs got heavily nerfed in League of Legends patch 13.11.

Jinx and Aphelios are struck by the nerf hammer

Jinx and Aphelios have been dominating League of Legends pro play for quite some time. Both have great scaling and Jinx’s long-range auto attacks, because of her Q, made her the best ADC in League of Legends. Most teams didn’t know how to deal with her, making Jinx a high-priority pick.

The problem isn’t really how strong these two ADCs were in the late game, but the fact their laning phase was strong. This made it feel it was almost impossible to punish them.

They could easily get through the lane phase and then carry team fights in the mid and late-game. Once they reached three items, it was pretty much game over.

League of Legends patch 13.11

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It also made the ADC meta feel stagnant, especially at MSI. Teams would always pick Jinx and Aphelios if they weren’t banned. Other ADCs would only come into play if those two were banned. Most League of Legends players were discontent about that.

So, Riot decided it was time to hit both champions with some nerfs. Jinx’s attack speed growth was heavily nerfed, going from 1.36 to 1. This will make her less strong in general, but it mostly affects her lane phase.

In Aphelios’ case, League of Legends devs decided to decrease his passive bonus AD. Previously, it was 5/10/15/20/25/30, and now it’s 4.5/9/13.5/18/22.5/27. It’s a considerable nerf, that will make Aphelios lane phase much harder.

These nerfs also open the door to other ADCs such as Zeri, Xayah and especially Kalista.

Kalista Major buffs make Kalista an S-tier ADC


This change is pretty massive. It allows Kalista even more power in the lane phase, and the ability to chunk out enemies consistently. Her physical damage per extra stack was also increased. It went from 23.2/27.55/31.9/36.25/40.6% AD to 25/30/35/40/45% AD plus 20% AP.

With these significant buffs, combined with Jinx and Aphelion major nerfs, Kalsita can very well become a meta champion.

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