Pokemon Go Battle League Season 2 Changes, Schedule, And New Rewards

Season 1 of Pokemon Go's Go Battle League is coming to an end this week, and developer Niantic has shared the first details on what's next for the online PvP mode. Season 2 kicks off this Friday, May 1, at 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET, and it features some new rewards and other changes.As before, the Go Battle League's format will rotate every few weeks. From May 1-25, battles will be contested under Great League rules; the format will then shift to the Ultra League from May 25-June

Halo: Reach ranks – Master Chief Collection

    Every rank in Halo: Reach on PC and Xbox One in the Master Chief Collection. Halo: Reach has finally arrived in the Master Chief Collection (MCC) and it has a new set of ranks. What this means is that the ranks from Halo: Reach on Xbox 360 are now obsolete. It's time to start tracking your progress based on brand new information, which can be found in a handy table below! It's also worth noting that this is actually the Season 1 ranks for the entire MCC, including

Virtual Reality is Missing Its Moments :

SourceThey were meeting in a small wardrobe in one of the hundreds of worlds held on the platform. To my knowledge, this particular land had a single cupboard surrounded by a flat, low-lying area with a border and water. As I scanned the virtual space, I heard the voices of the people in the wardrobe stopping their conversations and looking out my window. I’ve been pretty visible since I was in Kiddy Kong and I was about the same size as their small building; I heard them talking about me

Phil Spencer Talks Xbox Series X Launch Lineup

In a lengthy interview with IGN, Phil Spencer, the executive vice president of Gaming at Microsoft, discussed the release and lineup for the launch of the upcoming Xbox Series X. Set to release later this year, Spencer is confident in the next generation of the Xbox making it out on time, despite the setbacks caused by the ongoing pandemic around the world. At this point we know that the day one launch lineup consists solely of Halo Infinite, Xbox’s flagship franchise. When asked about the launch lineup, Spencer skated around

The Crew 2 Is Out Now On Google Stadia

Two years after launch and right next to the release of a pretty big update, The Crew 2 finally makes its way to Google's cloud gaming platform Stadia.The Crew 2's Stadia launch includes all current and future content available for the open-world racer. And with the game being on Stadia, and Stadia being accessible via the cloud, Google and Ubisoft tout this release as having a cross-save/cross-play feature between devices with access to the Stadia app.Further, The Crew 2 has been specifically adapted for the Stadia platform. In a blog

Cult RPG Dandy Dungeon Gets A Free Sequel Update And A Discount Soon

Dandy Dungeon: Legend of Brave Yamada, a fascinating and strange RPG about a mid-30s programmer who hates his job and is trying to create his own game, is getting a sequel--sort of. An upcoming update on April 2 will transform the game into Dandy Dungeon II: The Phantom Bride, which will offer a new conclusion for the PC and Switch game.In Dandy Dungeon, players draw lines to move the protagonist, Yamada, through the dungeons of the game he's building himself. Yamada is in love with his neighbor, Maria, who he

Evening Reading – March 18, 2020

Hey Shacknews, it's time for Evening Reading. Let's officially close out our day of posting. I have missed the past day and a half of First Post! and Evening Reading due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, please understand and take a look. COVID-19 CAN EAT A FAT ONE Pikachu being tested for coronavirus pic.twitter.com/bjKQ8qJq0t — Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) March 16, 2020 Pika. Dogs bc their owners have to stay home all day pic.twitter.com/ZkUOH9JpoI — Kelsey (@notorious_KRG) March 16, 2020 Lola is stoked. Due to coronavirus precaution, Bob Shellard isn't allowed

Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s Midgar Is Designed To Make You Feel Bad About Your Actions

With the news that Final Fantasy VII Remake will take place exclusively in Midgar, it's not surprising that the city is going to be expanded and reworked. In the remake, the city will be a sprawling, living city--just to make you feel bad about blowing part of it up.A new interview with producer Yoshinori Kitase and co-director Naoki Hamaguchi has revealed some of the thought that has gone into designing a larger, more complete Midgar.In the original game, players only spent a few hours at the start of the game