
Animal Crossing Joe Biden: Visiting Joe Biden’s Animal Crossing Island

Visit the Joe Biden Animal Crossing Island and grab some campaign merch. | Screen by Andrew LinAnimal Crossing Joe Biden is an interesting election campaign: virtual election merch for your Animal Crossing character. Here's how to get involved in the campaign inside Animal Crossing.Screen by Andrew LinThere are a few things to participate in Animal Crossing to show your support. You can visit Joe Biden's official island by using the Dream Suite feature. Simply go to any bed and climb in. Go through the dialogue to meet Luna. You'll be

Some Ways You Can Support Black Gamers #Gaming

Awesome list of ways you can support black gamers from Kotaku. There tons of ways to show support and most of these can be done from home! Support can take on many forms—listening, reading, donating—and in many spaces. The gaming community is no exception. Here are a few ways you can support black gamers. (Of course, it’s impossible to talk about everything you can possibly do or check out. If you know other nonprofits, organizations, podcasts, creative groups, or other forms of advocacy we should spotlight, please share them in