
Interview with Sean Michael Brehm: Brehm on Spectral Capital’s Role in Developing Quantum as Service (QaaS)

Bryan Feinberg: Thanks for sitting down with us, Sean Michael Brehm:. There's been a lot of talk about how developing nations could leapfrog older technologies by adopting the latest infrastructure. But honestly, isn't this just a shiny pitch to hype the Company? How realistic is it to expect that decentralized edge and hybrid quantum computing can solve the real, on-the-ground challenges these nations face? Sean Michael Brehm: OK, well let’s tackle that head on. I get where the skepticism comes from. I think it’s important to note most people today

Orbit is Open for Business – Orbit.Industries Launches into Open Beta from Feb 17th!​​​​​​​

Enter the billionaire space race in Klabater's strategic orbital building sim as it heads into Open Beta Warsaw, Poland | February 15th, 2022 - Klabater is over the moon to be launching the Open Beta from February 17th to March 20th. is a strategic building and management sim that gives you the tools to create and run space stations in an orbital sandbox on the fringes of explored space. Inspired by science fact and fiction from Interstellar to SpaceX, is being built for space enthusiasts by space