
GMEX ZERO13 wins COP28 TechSprint and continues network expansion

Technology solution selected as winner for blockchain technology British innovation in digital sustainable finance showcased and recognised at COP28 Universal Carbon Registry,, Koat Intelligence Solutions and Plato Data Intelligence added LONDON, UAE, 6 December 2023 – ZERO13, the GMEX Group initiative providing a digital climate fintech platform-as-a-service, is delighted to announce the addition of four new participants to its Asset Settlement Network and its selection as the winner of the prestigious COP28 TechSprint for blockchain technology. The COP28 TechSprint, launched by the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates

Best TFT Patch 11.12 comps: Draven, Yasuo, and Karma step up

Reroll Teamfight Tactics strategies take a back seat in Patch 11.12, making room for strong trait synergies and carries at levels eight and nine.  Patch 11.12 nerfed two-star reroll carriers like Hecarim and LeBlanc while also reducing crit damage, shifting the TFT meta toward late-game builds like Invokers and comps using chase traits. Yasuo, Draven, and Karma have stood out in the Patch 11.12 meta thanks to the power of their traits. Nocturne has stepped up as one of the last successful reroll carries, despite the nerfs to the Assassin

Sethekk Halls TBC: Which Items are You Farming?

Top GamesSethekk Halls right as you enter the instance / Activision Blizzard and WowheadSethekk Halls in TBC is one of the dungeons you may find yourself coming back to, depending on which items you are farming. What is the Burning Legion?Before heading through the Dark Portal, get caught up in 90 seconds.#BurningCrusade— World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) June 1, 2021Just as any dungeon, Sethekk Halls is home to some classes pre-raid BiS, items that are the "best in slot" before people enter the first raids of TBC, Gruul's Lair, and

Spirit Shards TBC: What are They Used for and How to Get Them

Top GamesAuchindoun from an aerial view / Activision Blizzard Spirit Shards in TBC is one of the currencies you can accrue from slaying bosses in certain dungeons, here's what they are used for and how to get them.Spirit Shards are a new currency added in The Burning Crusade dropped by bosses in the four dungeons located in Auchindoun, south of Shattrath City. Some of the items purchased with Spirit Shards become many classes' pre-raid BiS (best in slot). It must be noted, in order to even obtain Spirit Shards, the

The best TFT Patch 11.11 comps in Set 5 Reckoning

Adjustments to shop changes at levels six and seven within the Teamfight Tactics 11.11 patch have shifted the meta away from four-cost carries, creating a large number of comps able to top four in lobbies.  Patch 11.11 brought about several system changes that have redefined the meta in TFT. Reroll strategies have returned thanks to shop changes at levels six and seven, increasing the chance to three-star a two and three-cost champion. Jax and Vel’Koz were nerfed, toning down the once-dominant Skirmishers and Spellweaver builds, shifting Hellions into S-tier status.

Best TFT Set 5 carriers and items

Set Five Reckoning has launched, showcasing a number of carriers to help players fast eight and nine toward those Teamfight Tactics Legendary carries.  A new mechanic, Shadow items, was introduced with TFT Set Five. Adding a total of 36 new items (not including spatula trait items), players have options when equipping their carries. Building a solid team comp in TFT has always included best-in-slot (BiS) items on the carriers. Set Five expands on this theme offensively and defensively with the Shadow items.  Secondary carries play an important role as well,

TFT Set 5 Reckoning Shadow items: Updated stats and best-in-slot

Riot Games continues to evolve Teamfight Tactics with the new Set Five Reckoning mechanic, Shadow items, providing unique power increases at a cost.  Releasing around the globe by April 28, good and evil will collide across the convergence in TFT. The black mist has corrupted half of everything, introducing nine new Shadow components. Slightly similar to their original counterparts, these Shadow components can combine with a normal or Shadow component to create 36 new Shadow items.  Each Shadow item has its own power, stats, and penalty cost for using it.

Südkorea: Blockchain-Start-up lanciert NFT-Marktplatz

Südkorea ist für viele Gamer das Mekka der Videospiel-Industrie. PlayDapp, ein e-Sports-Service des Blockchain-Start-ups Supertree, lanciert nun einen Blockchain-basierten autonomen Marktplatz zum Non Fungable Token (NFT)-Handel von Spielgegenständen. Der Gaming-Sektor in Südkorea ist ein wichtiger Pfeiler der Wirtschaft. Nun hat das Start-up PlayDapp die NFT-Börse namens „PlayDapp MarketPLAce” ins Leben gerufen. Sie bietet der koreanischen Multi-Milliarden-Dollar-Spieleindustrie einen direkten Zugang zu digitalen Assets. Am 8. Juni verkündete das in Seoul-anässige Blockchain–Unternehmen PlayDapp, unter Unterstützung des Spiele-Entwicklers Supertree, den Launch ihrer Börse. Diese erlaubt Benutzern durch das Spiel erworbene Items oder Spielinhalte