
Terraform: The Making of Doom 64

JOHN ROMERO'S EYES FOLLOWED THE engineer as he placed his cargo on the pool table. Their visitor hailed from Sega, and the item he placed on id Software's pool table was a motherboard, still in prototype stage. When completed, it would power the 32X, Sega's add-on hardware that would evolve the Genesis console from a 16-bit dinosaur into a 32-bit giant. Romero and the rest of id Software's small team gathered 'round as the engineer set a monitor on the felt surface, plugged the prototype into it, and powered it

Poland Is Using A Country-Wide Minecraft Server To Get Kids To Stay Home

While governments normally have to put together elaborate campaigns to get kids off their computers and outside to exercise, the Polish government is now doing the exact opposite. With the COVID-19 (coronavirus) threat spreading through Europe, Poland has created a public Minecraft server to encourage kids to do their socializing online.The Polish government has launched Grarantanna, a learning hub that contains the Minecraft server and other fun (but still educational) activities. It includes a game jam, the Minecraft server, online TTRPG sessions, and webinars and quizzes on Polish history and

Knee-Deep in the Ports: Ranking the Best (and Worst) Versions of Doom

As of 2008, Tetris holds the achievement of the most ported video game in history. Which makes sense. Virtually any electronic device can run Tetris. That's the beauty of its design: difficult to master, but arguably the most accessible controls and objectives ever.  Doom, however, is hot on Tetris's heels. You can play Doom on virtually any personal computing operating system, most consoles, and lots of handhelds. You can even run the game on a piano. Can you play Tetris on a piano? That's what I thought. (Though you'll probably

Michael Walsh and Mass Nerder Pack the House for 150th

The Mass Nerder Podcast and guest Michael Walsh celebrated their 150th episode with a live show to a packed house at Hamilton’s Arcade Mass Nerder performs live to a packed room – Photo By Mia Rosa Ally Blundy, James “Cubby” Nelan in his sweet R2D2 hat and Cole Rispin of The Mass Nerder Podcast – Photo By Jeff Fitzgerald Standing Room Only Hamilton, Ontario – Higher Mentality’s own cannabis infused pop culture podcast, Mass Nerder celebrated their 150th milestone episode by hosting their very first live show at licensed retro-arcade