
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 – The Official Video Game Review – Sort of a Podium Finish?

It’s unclear when the Olympics will actually happen – they’re currently scheduled for later this year, but they’ve gotten delayed enough times that there’s no telling whether or not they’ll actually stick to the date this time around. But whether or not the Olympics do end up happening when scheduled, SEGA has decided to no longer wait. Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, a new game by the publisher that was originally meant as a tie in to the sporting event originally scheduled for last year, is now available. SEGA, presumably, rightly

Ghost of Tsushima Cover Art Sparks PC Release Rumors

[embedded content] There’s a new rumor that the next PlayStation exclusive to come to PC is Insomniac’s Ghost of Tsushima. We all knew there were going to be more of these games coming to PC, considering the reception of previous PS4 ports. The evidence for this rumor might be somewhat flimsy, but it’s backed up by context if nothing else, and the history of Sony bringing its games to PC. Admittedly, when I tell you what started this rumor in the first place, you might think the hype is a

Tekken director Katsuhiro Harada: Tekken X Street Fighter is not ‘dead’

After Tekken director Katsuhiro Harada held a livestream on his YouTube channel where he explained that they had stopped development at around 30 percent complete, Harada clarified the Tekken X Street Fighter project that has been in the works is not dead, but instead on pause. The mix-up, as Harada explains it in a Twitlonger, stemmed from the translation of the word “Okura-iri,” which was interpreted as “project died.” According to Harada, he intended it for its original meaning which can be “to be shelved” or “put in storage.” After

GGWP aims to educate creators, connect them with brands using its new creator marketplace

This article is proudly sponsored by GGWP With more esports and gaming personalities looking to enter content creation, Good Game Well Played (GGWP) Academy is a startup that is looking to match creators up with brands that coincide with their size and experience level. The platform also aims to provide them with online resources and classes to help teach them about building out their online brand and monetizing their content on various platforms.  This business model will be the industry’s first creator/brand marketplace, that is bringing together multiple social analytics

Xbox is Releasing a Mini Fridge Based on the Xbox Series S|X

Top GamesYeah, you read that title right. Happy E3! / MicrosoftYeah, you read that title right. Happy E3!Microsoft revealed they are currently developing a miniature refrigerator unit modeled after their latest next-generation console, the Xbox Series S|X, at their showcase during E3 2021. Appropriately teased with "Xbox and Chill," the company teased the system calling it a first-time addition to the franchise that "leaves others cold." Despite the jokes, however, we sincerely doubt fans knew Microsoft would do something like this.Xbox and Chill ❄️The Xbox Mini-Fridge is coming this holiday

What Went Wrong With Fight Night?

To many boxing fans who also like video games, the perfect gaming analogue to their favorite sport has been the Fight Night series for a long time. Many know it today as the go-to EA Sports franchise for ultra-realistic boxing that was somewhat regularly released back in the early-to-mid 2000s. Even today the facial damage and fighting styles of certain famous boxers is pretty impressive despite the games being a decade or more old. Collision detection and realistic visual representation of the action on-screen were top-notch and had to be