
A Hat in Time DLCs Finally Coming to PS4 & Xbox One Next Week, 60fps for PS5 & Xbox Series X|S

A Hat in Time is a charming little 3D platforming collect-a-thon that was developed by Gears for Breakfast and released a few years back. The game quickly made its way over to Switch soon after, and even saw the release of two expansions: Seal the Deal, and Nyakuza Metro. However, those expansions only got released for PC and Switch, while PlayStation and Xbox players haven’t been able to experience them, until now. Over on Twitter, Gears for Breakfast announced that both expansions will be coming to PS4 and Xbox One,

ESL Open Week #35: Stats, HeroMarine, Solar win

Week #35 of the ESL Open Cups saw familiar faces grab victories. Stats claimed his fifth Korean Cup victory, equaling Zest and Stats' count to create a triumvirate on top of the server. HeRoMaRinE secured an unprecedented fifth consecutive European Cup win amid a thinning field of competitors, increasing his total to a stupendous seventeen. Finally, Solar returned to the American server to dine on gold for his second breakfast, having missed out on a win at home earlier in the day.Up to Cup #35 the leading duo of the

Hunting Simulator 2 review: Doggone it

Hunting Simulator 2 arrives a few years after a lackluster showing from the first game in the series. This new addition to the franchise aims higher with updated graphics, an array of licensed gears, and canine companions. In the end, the four-legged friendships you develop along the way are worth remembering. Hunting Simulator 2 feels like a step back in a few ways from its predecessor and feels so far behind its competition that it is hard to recommend for hunting fanatics or players looking for a more casual experience.