
How much money does MontanaBlack88 make on Twitch?

MontanaBlack88 is the most successful German streamer on Twitch. He was the 18th most-watched content creator on the platform in the past 90 days, according to SullyGnome, even beating a heavy hitter like Tyler1. When MontanaBlack88 is gaming, he mostly broadcasts GTA V RP, FIFA, and Call of Duty Warzone or Black Ops 4, but he also does a ton of Just Chatting streams. His audience grew over the last year, too. He surpassed four million followers in August and has streamed for an average of 54,222 concurrent viewers in

Twitch breaks viewership records again in 2021

This article is proudly sponsored by Stream Hatchet. As pandemic restrictions lessen around the U.S., many are returning to school, offices, and entertainment venues. This reopening of restaurants, movie theatres, and concert halls means increased competition against the livestreaming space, which saw massive growth during 2020. So how are streaming platforms faring as more and more people attempt a “return to normal,” and which platforms are seeing the most growth? According to data analytics platform Stream Hatchet, Twitch remains the most popular livestreaming platform with over 18.5 billion hours watched