
Free Minecraft Nether Update is Here!

One does not simply walk into the Nether, but it seems that's what everyone is about to do anyway... Today we're releasing the full Nether Update in all its glory! Traverse through familiar, fiery wastes into new unexplored fungal forests, spooky valleys, and deltas brimming with basalt. Dig your way through these biomes and you might be able to find a new curious material, suspiciously titled "ancient debris". What will you make of it (it’s totally not Netherite)? Fight your way through hordes of Piglins… Or don't! They’re actually pretty

Twitch Issues A Statement On Streamer Allegations While The Community Calls For A Blackout

It could no longer be said that gaming is having a #metoo moment, but rather an ongoing #metoo movement. Amid a new wave of allegations surfacing on social media, those who have previously named their abusers are now demanding to know why the platforms that host known abusers' content have not acted to take them down--with Twitch at the center of the controversy.With multiple tweets claiming that Twitch has been given information on how some of their big-name partners are using that platform to abuse women, and chosen not to

SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘New Pokemon Snap’ Coming to Switch, ‘Namco Museum Archives’ and Today’s Other New Releases, Plus the Latest Sales

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for June 18th, 2020. The Pokemon Presents video yesterday had lots of news in it, but only some of it was relevant to the Switch. We talk about that before heading into the giant list of new releases that hit the eShop today. After that, we catch up on all the incoming and outgoing sales to finish things up. Let’s snap to it! News ‘New Pokemon Snap’ Coming to Switch Ever wait literally two decades for a sequel to a really

Making History In Humankind Makes 4X Approachable

The nature of 4X strategy games can often make them unwieldy and hard to understand for players who aren't immersed in the genre. Part of that is the scope--in most 4X games (the genre name standing for explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate), you're growing and managing a whole civilization, often throughout its entire history. That's your mandate in Amplitude Studios' upcoming title Humankind, too, but one of the more remarkable things about the game is how it guides you through the process of creating a civilization that'll make its mark

Michael Walsh and Mass Nerder Pack the House for 150th

The Mass Nerder Podcast and guest Michael Walsh celebrated their 150th episode with a live show to a packed house at Hamilton’s Arcade Mass Nerder performs live to a packed room – Photo By Mia Rosa Ally Blundy, James “Cubby” Nelan in his sweet R2D2 hat and Cole Rispin of The Mass Nerder Podcast – Photo By Jeff Fitzgerald Standing Room Only Hamilton, Ontario – Higher Mentality’s own cannabis infused pop culture podcast, Mass Nerder celebrated their 150th milestone episode by hosting their very first live show at licensed retro-arcade