
Below Announces Release Date For PS4 Version And Explore Mode Update For Easier Adventuring

Below, Capy's unrelentingly difficult 2018 roguelike exploration title, is coming to PlayStation 4 on April 7 for $25. As previously announced, it'll come with a new mode that will make the game more palatable for players who did not enjoy the level of challenge offered up in the original release, and Xbox One and PC players will get that mode as well in a free update.Explore mode will lower the game's difficulty without eliminating it, so players should still find it challenging--just not quite as difficult as the default mode

Apple Arcade Puzzler ‘Down in Bermuda’ Expands with New Shipwreck Island Update

TouchArcade Rating:I feel like for the past several years all we really knew of developer Yak & Co. was their stylish adventure game Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise. And that’s because, well, it took them about five years to finish the episodic game and so that’s really the only thing we’ve had to judge from them anyway. Given how excellent Agent A is though, I’ve certainly caught myself wondering what else the obviously talented studio could be capable of. With Agent A in the rear view mirror as of