
Code S Finals Preview: Rogue vs Stats

In recent seasons, the GSL Code S finals has frequently been the last trial for players with something to prove. We've seen first time-finalists, zero-time GSL winners, and online-bonjwas attempt to seize a career-affirming championship.This season, the Code S finals will offer StarCraft II fans a more traditional heavyweight bout. Entering the finals stage are two titans of StarCraft II, both entering with their hard-won Code S championships draped figuratively around their waists. These two players are already deeply ingrained in the history of competitive StarCraft II—this match is about

Disintegration Review – First-Person Strategy

Critics and fans throw around the term "tactical shooter" to represent any kind of game that somehow mandates that you think about how you shoot. Disintegration is one of the few that literally blends core real-time tactics mechanics and first-person shooting. It isn't a unique mix, though the balance of the two styles feels different from what we've seen over the years. The strategy is rich and demanding, even when the AI can't quite live up to its responsibilities. The shooting evokes all the good things about turret sequences--mainly the

What The Hell Is Happening In Doom Eternal’s Story?

Note: This post contains spoilers for the stories of, like, every Doom game ever (except Doom 3), and especially the story of Doom Eternal.Even if you played Doom 2016, you might find yourself a bit lost with Doom Eternal. The game starts with a full-scale demonic invasion of Earth, doesn't make clear what's happened since the last game, and for some reason, gives you your own spaceship that's also a castle. Even if you're pretty well-versed in Doom lore, such as it is, you might find yourself lost at the

Apple Arcade: ‘No Way Home’ Review – Show Me What You Got!

Mindless shooting in space is always fun. There’s something relaxing about killing alien ships in the middle of nowhere. It takes the fear of being stranded millions of miles away from home off your mind. Enter No Way Home, a fun shoot’em up game brought by SMG Studio, the team behind games like Death Squared and One More Line. In No Way Home, you play as Cho, the former Dutchess Start Captain. After the ship freezes for millions of years and is going to be wrecked by a bunch of