
Archived | Create a virtual reality speech sandbox

Archived contentArchive date: 2019-08-08This content is no longer being updated or maintained. The content is provided “as is.” Given the rapid evolution of technology, some content, steps, or illustrations may have changed.Summary This developer pattern will show you how to build advanced interactive speech systems for virtual reality with just two Watson™ services: Watson Speech-to-Text for transcription and Watson Assistant for parsing the meaning of the words. Discover how to leverage the Watson Unity SDK to implement the services right from the Unity development environment. Description Virtual reality (VR) enables

Insert coin: Level up your player support experience

If you’re wondering if I’m a gamer, I’m not.I don’t play video games every day, I don’t crowd my mobile phone with gaming apps, belong to any gaming community, I’m not even that good at them! However, from time to time, I do play a game or two. I’ll get excited and even start screaming to the lifeless screen in front of me — and that’s when my inner gamer, dormant most of the time, comes out to play.For this reason, going to Gamescom 2018 was an entirely new experience

P.S.: I love you. When gamers break up with you.

Quick disclaimer: I am not a gamer.But there was this one time, a few years ago, when I came home to find a borrowed PlayStation with a Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas case right next to it in the living room. It was my girlfriend who had left it there.She had been playing it all afternoon and as soon as I got home she told me all about her plan. The idea was for us to spend a different kind of weekend together, just the two of us, playing GTA.Little