
How to speed up VALORANT update downloads?

Whenever a new VALORANT patch drops, players want to download it as soon as possible to get a taste of the latest Riot Games has to offer. Though you’ll only need a few minutes to download small hotfixes, it may take a lot longer to download huge updates filled with new content. The size of VALORANT patches usually increases during events or in a new season. Even if your internet is rather fast, you may still experience slow download speeds that increase the time it takes to install the latest patches.

How to fix ‘Unable to Establish Secure Connection to Host’ Error in Call of Duty Warzone

Whenever a new content patch rolls out, the number of players logging into Warzone increases drastically. Not only do old players come back to try out the new patch but the marketing efforts during the release of the patch also draw in new players. Under heavy load, the servers start cracking under pressure causing players to receive errors. The “Unable to Establish Secure Connection to Host” is one of the many server-related errors that players can run into whenever the servers are having a bad time. Considering it prevents players from logging

How to fix the “Friends List Not Working” error in VALORANT

You log into VALORANT only to find out that your friends are missing from your list. Did they all delete you overnight? Not only a coordinated move like that would be cruel, the odds are of that happening will be quite low. Occasionally, the friends list in VALORANT stops working. This generally happens whenever the servers are under heavy load, especially during new patch releases. When more players than anticipated start flooding into the servers, it’s normal to see some hiccups here and there and the friends list bug is