
Ukes, Fake E3, and GameClub Android – The TouchArcade Show #450

We touch on a bit of everything this week, including a brief update on Jared’s new world of state-mandated masks, me getting a ukulele and the upcoming uke jam session, the different faux-E3 events that have been happening and cool announcements that have come out of them. Oh, then we talk about a ton of mobile gaming news including but not limited to the GameClub Android launch! Don’t forget to shoot us emails with any questions, feedback, or anything else relevant or irrelevant to [email protected]. We read ’em all, and

Next Gen Console Outlook – The TouchArcade Show #449

With the Sony fake-E3 press conference being the hot news item in the week in the world of video games we kick this podcast off with a healthy discussion on that event as well as what it means in the larger setting of next generation console wars between the PlayStation and Xbox. Of course from there we zip back into the lane we’re supposed to be in and get back to talking about iOS games, so if console stuff doesn’t do it for you just skip about half way in!

A World on Fire – The TouchArcade Show #448

Apologies in advance if audio levels are a bit weird in this podcast, I tried to correct them as much as I could. For whatever reason my mic this week decided to be super quiet. One more thing! Anyway, we kick things off talking about how crazy the world has gotten in the last week and how it has impacted us before shifting gears into iOS gaming news chat. Slay the Spire! It’s coming! Oh, and then from there we get into woodworking and power tools, like a mobile gaming

TouchArcade After Dark – The TouchArcade Show #446

We’re posting this a bit later in the day than usual because this is an AFTER DARK episode! Jared and I both had weird things going on today which had us recording super late. We still bang out a good show though, covering all sorts of relevant things like iPhone games, and more iPhone games. Definitely no off-topic tangents at all. Don’t forget to shoot us emails with any questions, feedback, or anything else relevant or irrelevant to [email protected]. We read ’em all, and love decoding messages written entirely in

Quarantined and Still Podcasting – The TouchArcade Show #439

I know we say this a lot, but these are truly strange times we are living in. There’s a lot of COVID-19 talk in the episode because it’s kind of unreal how things have progressed so far. Never the less, we have Animal Crossing and a whole slate of mobile game news to go through to try to retain some sense of normalcy. Hope everyone out there is safe and healthy. Don’t forget to shoot us emails with any questions, feedback, or anything else relevant or irrelevant to [email protected]. We

A Totally Normal Podcast While the World Burns – The TouchArcade Show #438

This has been an EXTREMELY weird week, seems like the last few weeks we have been talking about the impact of COVID-19 on the larger gaming convention scene and this week things hit some sort of mini-climax with all kinds of stuff being canceled. We spend a lot of time talking about all that weirdness before shifting gears into overdrive (and more pleasant things) in talking about all the latest iOS gaming news. There’s a lot of great stuff in this episode, and we hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget

Symphony of the Scam – The TouchArcade Show #437

This week’s podcast kicks off with a explainer in three acts regarding the unbelievable scam I’ve been dealing with that has soaked up … far, FAR too much of my time. From there we talk about GDC getting canceled before swerving into the big news stories of the week which includes a borderline unbelievable surprise release of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. As usual, it’s a good time. Don’t forget to shoot us emails with any questions, feedback, or anything else relevant or irrelevant to [email protected]. We read ’em all,

A New Setup – The TouchArcade Show #435

Ayyyyyyy we’re back again with another normal* episode of The TouchArcade Show. I’ve completed my move to Tennessee, and set up all my recording stuff in a slightly different way so if things sound a little different it’s either because I’m using a slightly different software package to do the podcast or because I just have way more carpet than I did before. Either way, we recap what’s been going on both with my move and with all the iOS gaming happenings (along with a few Switch stories). It’s a