
Doom Eternal Video Review

Id Software's return to Doom in 2016 was a phenomenal update of the franchise's classic shooter formula. It was fast and intense, full of huge monsters and scorching metal tracks, modernizing the feel of the 1990s original while adding some new-school flourishes. Where Doom 2016 brought the original Doom into the present, Doom Eternal feels like a big step forward in making the franchise something new: It's a master class in demon dismemberment after the introductory course to ripping and tearing of four years ago. Like its predecessor, Doom Eternal

Kojima teases Death Stranding Photo Mode launch on PS4 by end of March

Death Stranding's Photo Mode will allow you to more easily take screenshots of the game's beautiful world and Hideo Kojima says it's coming to PlayStation 4 shortly. When Death Stranding was confirmed for launch on PC, one of the promises that came with it was that a new Photo Mode also be coming on all platforms. According to Hideo Kojima, it would appear that Photo Mode’s launch is fast approaching for PlayStation 4 players. If all goes well, we could see the mode on PS4 before the end of this

Half-Life: Alyx – Essential Tips Before Playing

Half-Life: Alyx nails so much of what makes the series great, and VR elevates some of its best qualities. But if you're not familiar with the ins-and-outs of VR or the way Half-Life typically does things, we have you covered. Even veterans such as myself wish I knew a few of these tips before playing, such as what weapon upgrades to spend your valuable Resin on, among other things.One aspect you may not be familiar with is how Half-Life tends to do puzzles; there are no waypoints or objective markers,

STALKER 2 update finally gives us our first look at the game

It's been a long time coming for anything new in regards to STALKER 2, but finally, we've got our first look at the sequel to the popular open-world survival franchise. The on-again-off-again-on-again story of STALKER 2’s development has been going for quite some time, but developer GSC Game World came out of the woodwork with something fresh to show at long last. Recently, a screenshot was put up, giving us our first look at the open-world survival shooter, along with assurance that more is coming this year. It was on

Half-Life: Alyx review – Your time comes around again

The team at Valve Software has taken their sweet time to finally give players a new Half-Life game. Half-Life: Alyx is set in between the events of Half-Life and Half-Life 2. Players are put into the shoes of Alyx Vance as she is tasked with saving her father, taking the fight to the Combine. This game was built from the ground up as a virtual reality experience, and it shows. The teams behind Valve's The Lab VR experience and Campo Santo’s Firewatch have come together to create what will undoubtedly

Corruption 2029 Review – Lost Soul

In the banal future-war fiction that serves as set dressing for the battlefields of Corruption 2029, soldiers are remote-controlled living machines. These humanoid husks are devoid of humanity, mechanized units designed to be disposable as they fight the second American civil war. Both sides sport bland three-letter initials, the NAC (New American Council) and the UPA (United Peoples of America), their full names reading like soulless corporate think-tanks, their motives as opaque as they are forgettable. Actual people are seemingly absent in this conflict. Lifelessness permeates the entire experience, sapping

Half-Life: Alyx Review

Naturally, monumental expectations accompany the first Half-Life game in 13 years, and for the iconic franchise's return to come in the form of a VR exclusive is undoubtedly bold. But at each step of the way, Half-Life: Alyx proves that almost everything the franchise did best is elevated by VR: the environmental puzzles that require a keen eye, the threat of a headcrab jumping for your face, the cryptic storytelling. The series' staples are as great as ever here, and in its most powerful moments, Half-Life: Alyx confidently shows you

Half-Life: Alyx Review – Full-Life Consequences

Naturally, monumental expectations accompany the first Half-Life game in 13 years, and for the iconic franchise's return to come in the form of a VR exclusive is undoubtedly bold. But at each step of the way, Half-Life: Alyx proves that almost everything the franchise did best is elevated by VR: the environmental puzzles that require a keen eye, the threat of a headcrab jumping for your face, the cryptic storytelling. The series' staples are as great as ever here, and in its most powerful moments, Half-Life: Alyx confidently shows you

Half-Life: Alyx Weapon Upgrade And Items Guide

Half-Life: Alyx doesn't have a lot of weapons to choose from, but it does have the essentials: a pistol, shotgun, and SMG. Between these three, some grenades, and Alyx's handy gravity gloves, you'll be perfectly suited to take on enemies, Combine and Xen alike.For the first time in the Half-Life series, you'll also be able to upgrade your weapons using a collectible resource called resin and a machine called a Combine Fabricator. In this guide, we've mapped out each weapon's upgrades and resin requirements, so you can save up and