
Paribus : Timing is everything

Timing is Everything New York Yankees player, Yogi Berra famously said, “You don’t have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it’ll go.” In all walks of life, the same is true. Timing can be as much of a blessing as a curse. Being too far ahead of the curve can be as harmful as being too late to the party. At present, the crypto market is experiencing a pump that permabears are calling a relief rally while permabulls are calling it the start

Regulators at the Ready

Just as bull markets have narratives, so do bear markets, and the overriding narrative of this year has been regulation. Time and again the media has conflated a lack of regulation in crypto with the failures we’ve seen. It’s easy for people to conclude that as soon as regulation comes to crypto, investors will have confidence and flood back into the market. If that was true you would expect to see the stock market flooded with liquidity, but tech stocks are experiencing similar conditions to crypto. Not only is there

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Crypto Trading Platform

Ready to start trading cryptocurrency? If so, the first step is finding the best trading platform (or platforms). Many platforms are available and, although some are bigger and more popular than others, no exchange is widely considered to be “the best”. Each trading platform has certain pros and cons. What works for some on one platform may not be ideal for others. This Cove Market overview provides a good look at some of the features the major players have. As a trader, you might look for specific elements based on