
The best crafting and gathering jobs to level up in Final Fantasy XIV

There are many fighting and crafting jobs to choose from in Final Fantasy XIV, and it can be confusing for new players. In comparison with many other MMOs, this one allows for much flexibility on job choices. Switching between two jobs is as easy as one button, and all of them are pretty well balanced. On the crafting side, it’s also true—you will find a use for every Disciple of the Hand and Disciple of the Land job. Leveling them up is very important, since they offer functionalities that will

New World Hotspot Hunt Not Working: How to Fix

Top GamesNew World / Credit to Amazon Games StudioHere's why the New World Hotspot Hunt isn't working for many players and how to make sure the fish you catch count towards completing the quest. The Hotspot Hunt quest in New World is one of the earlier missions in New World's fishing questline. It tasks the player with catching three fish from fishing hotspots scattered around the map. Players can start tracking fishing hotspots at level two which makes the quest dramatically easier. Please read this update regarding server transfers and

How to Feed Pelicans in Far Cry 6

Top GamesWe've put together this handy guide to explain how to feed the pelicans on Yara in Far Cry 6. / UbisoftWe've put together this handy guide to explain how to feed the pelicans on Yara in Far Cry 6.Pelicans are both wondrous feats of nature and a terrifying example of what Mother Nature can cook up. This bird is able to swim, fly, and carry a certain amount of weight—whether that be fish to eat later, water, or your wallet—in its expandable gullet. Typically, these birds can be found

How to Fish in Far Cry 6

Top GamesFishing is more than just a way to pass the time in Far Cry 6. / UbisoftFishing is more than just a way to pass the time in Far Cry 6.Players can use the fish they catch to craft food or sell for pesos in order to buy other items. It is not only a quick way to earn some cash, but also a great way to quite literally fuel the revolution. Below, we've detailed how to catch fish on Yara.Far Cry 6 is available now! Escape the clutches

Everything you need to know about Fishing in New World

To start fishing in New World, players must grab their first fishing pole. To do that, you’ll need to craft one. A Tier One Wooden Fishing Pole is very easily made with the Engineering skill. It requires one Fiber and one Green Wood to craft. To get Green Wood, grab it from some bushes or chop down some trees using your logging skill, and to get the fiber, you’ll want to gather some Hemp. As you start skinning, you’ll level up your tracking and skinning skills. To make tracking and skinning

The best places to fish in New World/ Fishing Hotspots

One way or another New World will encourage players to try out different aspects of the game. Whether it’s for a quest or you just enjoy catching fish in New World, it’s only natural that you may want to do it in the most optimal way possible. Though it’s hard to go wrong with fishing anywhere near water, there are Fishing Hotspots that players can use to increase their chance to obtain rare fish. Fishing Hotspots are relatively hard to miss since they both show up on the map and they also look

How to get Firm Fish Filets in New World

While questing in New World, there are plenty of unique items that players will be tasked with gathering and delivering for rewards or to progress in the story. Some of these are quite obvious, while others might need guidance when working out how to collect them. One of the more obscure resources players are struggling to find right now is Firm Fish Filets. While Fish Filets are common, their firmer counterpart doesn’t appear to be. But it is just as easy to acquire if you know what you’re doing. How

How to get Nightcrawler bait in New World

With so much to kill and create in New World, it can be beneficial to take some time to relax by a pond or on a dock to just do some fishing. To start your fishing journey, you can collect Woodlouse bait from any bush and take them to the large pond that sits just west of the Windsward Hamlet. There, Master Fisher Shields will gift you a fishing pole and teach you the basics of fishing. If you want to skip the tutorial and if you have the materials,

Fortnite Battle Royale v18.10 Update: What’s New

FortnitePhoto courtesy of Epic GamesFortnite’s latest update to Battle Royale adds lots of content to Chapter 2, Season 8. Here’s what’s new in this update. One of the biggest additions to this update is the addition of Chili Chug Splash, a new item that’s an upgraded version of the classic Chug Splash. Like the original item, Chili Chug Splash can be thrown and restores both health and shield based on who’s in the splash zone, but this item can also give any affected players a speed boost. However, this item has