
FTX Trading Bankruptcy: Protecting Your Company’s Interests.

Zuber Lawler is representing entities who received investments from Alameda Research and FTX Ventures. Alameda Research and several other FTX-related entities have filed bankruptcy proceedings in Delaware. These multiple filings are all being administered under one matter, In re FTX Trading, USBC Case No. 22-11068. Most first and second day motions have been heard and either have been granted or are currently pending. Things are moving forward. On January 18, 2023, FTX debtors moved for an order authorizing and approving procedures for a sale or transfer of what they have

Drawing Parallels

For many people in crypto, the way that regulators are approaching the industry is unique and can at times seem unnecessarily adversarial. For those with prior experience in nascent industries, it bears remarkable similarities to how other technologies have seen regulations imposed on them. For many people in crypto, the way that regulators are approaching the industry is unique and can at times seem unnecessarily adversarial. For those with prior experience in nascent industries, it bears remarkable similarities to how other technologies have seen regulations imposed on them. Five years

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Crypto Trading Platform

Ready to start trading cryptocurrency? If so, the first step is finding the best trading platform (or platforms). Many platforms are available and, although some are bigger and more popular than others, no exchange is widely considered to be “the best”. Each trading platform has certain pros and cons. What works for some on one platform may not be ideal for others. This Cove Market overview provides a good look at some of the features the major players have. As a trader, you might look for specific elements based on