
Interview with Spectral’s Sean Brehm on DQLDB the Vogon Cloud.

Seattle WA, Nov 11, 2024 Spectral Capital (OTCQB: FCCN), FCCN Spectral Capital's Chairman, Sean Brehm shares insights into Spectral’s DQLDB and The Vogon Cloud. Spectral Capital Group a leading innovator in decentralized cloud technology and advanced quantum ledger solutions outlines its vision for Spectral’s Vogon DQLDB with Plato Data Intelligence's Bryan Feinberg. Bryan Feinberg:: "Sean, I saw your post on X about Vogon DQLDB and its potential to transform financial systems. You mentioned the importance of human identity at the heart of commercial and capital markets. Can you explain what

The Fight for Financial Freedom

As the grasp of regulators tightens on the global cryptocurrency market, exchanges such as KuCoin are being compelled to implement mandatory pre-purchase checks. In tandem, several prominent banks are limiting funds transferred to cryptocurrency exchanges under the guise of protecting customers from fraudulent activities. In the background, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is looming over these rapidly evolving regulations. The FATF underscores the significance of Know Your Customer (KYC), Know Your Business (KYB), Know Your Transaction (KYT), and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations applicable to all financial transactions, cryptocurrencies included.