
Blockchain Gamers Earned $20M in Their First Year

New research compares how much gamers and game developers made in the year following the launches of some of the most popular blockchain-based games.  According to data from Flipside Crypto, the overwhelming majority of revenue was earned by just one, very famous, game. Revenue Earned By Blockchain Gamers & Gaming Companie Cat breeding is very lucrative No one could have envisioned that cat breeding could become such a lucrative business. CryptoKitties generated $27 million in revenue in the first year with $7 million going to the company and $20 million

Pokemon Sword & Shield: New Legendary And Gigantamax Pokemon Revealed

The Pokemon Company has shared a ton of new details about Pokemon Sword and Shield's upcoming expansions, The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra. Each expansion will introduce a variety of additional Pokemon to the games, including some brand-new Legendaries and alternate forms. Galarian Slowbro Galarian Slowbro In Isle of Armor, Galarian Slowpoke will be able to evolve into Galarian Slowbro. Unlike a standard Slowbro, this Galar-exclusive variant is a Poison/Psychic type that can learn a special move called Shell Side Arm, which fires poisonous liquid from the Shellder