
Mike Tyson on COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Listen, it will get better.’

In a recent interview, former boxing champion and celebrity Mike Tyson shared his thoughts on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, along with some words of encouragement. It’s a tough time for a lot of folks out there during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Even someone like “Iron” Mike Tyson isn’t untouched by it, but in a recent interview with Shacknews, Tyson shared his thoughts on the matter, as well as some encouraging words to hopefully boost spirits during these trying times. Mike Tyson spoke to our very own Asif Kahn in an

Mike Tyson has still not beaten Punch Out!!

Iron Mike could kick your butt in a real ring, but even he's afraid of facing off against himself in The Dream Bout in this classic NES game. Mike Tyson's a formidable opponent in Punch-Out!!, so naturally the man himself is probably a whiz at the game. Right? Well, unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. In an interview with Shacknews CEO Asif Khan, Tyson admitted that he hasn't actually beaten the very game that he stars in. In fact, it's too hard for him. We can't disagree there,

How is AI Revolutionizing the Gaming Industry?

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email While there is much talk about the future of AI in gaming and the myriad of potential implementations, the current usage of AI in the game industry is not nearly as some make it out to be, nor is it really a massive focus for game developers. That’s not to say AI isn’t amazing technology, but it is surrounded by a lot of hype which we’ll try to dispel. While many think of AI as something that can add Skynet-level awareness