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Samurai Shodown’s most horny-on-main character Iroha has a May launch date

Players can expect to see Iroha in action in Samurai Shodown starting next week. Samurai Shodown is about to bring one of its most interesting characters to the roster. Iroha is the third character in Samurai Shodown’s Season Pass 2, and one of the most popular in the franchise for lewd reasons. She’s also been given an official launch date and will be coming to the game rather soon this May 2020. SNK revealed a new trailer and launch date for Iroha in Samurai Shodown on the SNKgame YouTube on

VCs see opportunities for gaming infrastructure startups and incumbents

As the infrastructure for developing games becomes more advanced, studios have turned to buying best-in-class technology from others instead of building everything from scratch (often with inferior quality). This shift underpinned Unity’s rise as the most popular game engine. The current focus on games as ever-evolving social hubs that can remain popular for a decade requires investment in “live ops” to keep updating the game with new features and experiences, only adding to a game studio’s responsibilities. There are big movements in gaming right now to make games cross-platform (not

Archived | Create a virtual reality speech sandbox

Archived contentArchive date: 2019-08-08This content is no longer being updated or maintained. The content is provided “as is.” Given the rapid evolution of technology, some content, steps, or illustrations may have changed.Summary This developer pattern will show you how to build advanced interactive speech systems for virtual reality with just two Watson™ services: Watson Speech-to-Text for transcription and Watson Assistant for parsing the meaning of the words. Discover how to leverage the Watson Unity SDK to implement the services right from the Unity development environment. Description Virtual reality (VR) enables