Oculus Quest

Why I Just Spent $500 on a VR Headset

Plug me in: I want lightsabers! And something more…Image by Jazna Rossi from PixabayI don’t normally acquire. It prigs my financial and counter-consumerist conscience too much.But I’m no monk. I make exceptions from time to time. Especially when there’s the chance to play with lightsabers in virutal reality.So I just dropped $500 on an Oculus Quest VR headset.My hopes are high for joyful play, and something more impactful.The Joy of Lightsabers, Robots and Bullet TimeI’m lucky enough to have already had some gaming experiences in VR.Every time I’ve put on

What I Learnt on My First Day in VR

Connection, immersion and a heartfelt pang I didn’t expect.Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash“Hey man, would you like some water?”My friend is offering me a plastic water bottle. I reach out and take it a little cack-handedly, like I’m wearing thick ski gloves.“Go ahead, drink some,” he encourages.I bring the bottle up to my face and upend it. Water pours out over my face. I laugh.“That’s amazing!” I say.“Yeah, they’ve put water bottles and drinking fountains all over the place in here to remind people to drink water in

9 Takeaways From My First Week with VR

I put on my Oculus Quest a week ago. Here’s everything I’ve learnt since then.Beat Saber, a dance/exercise/lightsabre mashup, made this crystal clear to me.Firstly, I noticed a huge difference in engagement when I got my whole body involved in the game.I was definitely in flow while I was using just my arms to smash blocks in time to music.But when I loaded up Fitbeat, a workout focused, free in-game DLC, I had to get my legs and core really working too.As a result of getting my whole body in

Onward Oculus Quest Multiplayer Livestream: Tactical VR FPS Action!

For today’s livestream we’re playing realistic military sim VR shooter, Onward on Oculus Quest! If you’re curious about how we livestream the way we do then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup. Onward aims to be the ultimate VR FPS for those after an authentic-style military simulation. This is more like Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six than Call of Duty. Now that it’s been out for a full day we can verify the gameplay is just as fun as ever and we can’t wait to

Onward On Oculus Quest Review: Lock And Load Without Wires

Multiplayer shooter Onward released this week for Oculus Quest. If you’re curious what we think so far, here is our Onward Oculus Quest review! Technically, this is an Early Access release, as you’ll be informed when you first boot the game up. However, Facebook doesn’t officially allow Early Access content on Quest and the game’s store page doesn’t designate it as an early version; this means you don’t find out it’s Early Access until after buying it. With that in mind, we’re treating this like a full launch. [This was

Onward On Oculus Quest Launch Day Livestream: PvP And Co-Op VR Shooter!

For today’s livestream we’re playing realistic military sim VR shooter, Onward on Oculus Quest! If you’re curious about how we livestream the way we do then look no further than this handy guide for general tips and this guide specific to our Oculus Quest setup. Onward aims to be the ultimate VR FPS for those after an authentic-style military simulation. The PC version excels in this regard and even though the Quest version is downgraded, it’s still a blast. It also features cross-play with PC for all game modes! Our Onward on Oculus Quest VR livestream

Onward PC Maps Updated To Match The Quest Version For Cross-Play

Onward is now available on Oculus Quest with full cross-play for the existing PC VR version. But developer Downpour Interactive is changing elements of the PC original to make this possible. An update going live for PC VR players today will physically change the game’s maps to match the altered versions of them that appear on Quest. We’ve had access to Onward since July 27th, but cross-play support was not enabled during review testing. And there’s a good reason for that: some of the maps are actually pretty different. Not

Legends Of In Death: Unchained Archery Contest Runs Until August 4 On Quest

Superbright announced that the first in-game event for In Death: Unchained has begun and will run until August 4th. The top 10 scores achieved by Oculus Quest players during the event will be immortalized in-game, as permanent recognition of their achievement. In Death: Unchained released for Oculus Quest last week, and Superbright has already rolled out updates that make some minor graphical improvements. The team also laid out some vague details regarding it’s plan for future Unchained content yesterday, including a new in-game ‘Hall of Fame’ event. The Superbright team

Downpour Shares First Full Onward Oculus Quest Footage

Ahead of launch tomorrow, developer Downpour Interactive just shared the first full footage for Onward on Oculus Quest. Previously we’d seen a trailer for the game with plenty of gameplay snippets. This footage, however, gives us our first in-depth look at some co-op gameplay with a montage of longer clips. As you can see from the footage, Onward has seen a clear visual downgrade on Quest compared to the PC version but, really, everyone was expecting that. If anything, it reminds us a little of how the game originally looked

Yupitergrad Is Basically Spider-Man VR (In Space) With Gorgeous Visuals

Whoever knew the insides of a Soviet-era Russian space facility could look so, well, colorful? Yupitergrad did, apparently. This gorgeous new VR game is being developed by Poland-based Gamedust and is on its way to PC VR headsets later this year. It’s essentially a Spider-Man VR game… in space. Cast as a Russian cosmonaut, you travel to a base on Jupiter to test a new device. Things go a bit haywire, however, and soon you’re swinging for your life. Check out the trailer below. [embedded content] You traverse through the