
Riot Games donates $1.5 million to aid in Los Angeles coronavirus relief efforts

League of Legends developers and its co-founders have donated a combined $1.5 million to aid in anti-coronavirus efforts in Los Angeles. Continuing efforts against the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 have come in various forms throughout the world as many industries find way to either support local efforts or efforts the world around. League of Legends developer Riot Games has most certainly felt the strain of the virus as it forced esports events and competitions to be canceled, but the developer and publisher isn’t taking it laying down. Riot Games

Sekiro wins SXSW 2020 Game of the Year – full Gaming Awards winners list

In lieu of SXSW 2020's cancelation, the list of Gaming Awards winners was announced online, in which Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice won Game of the Year. It certainly put a damper on things this year when it was announced that SXSW 2020 would be canceled due to risk of the COVID-19 pandemic and a decision from the powers that be in the city of Austin, but that doesn’t mean the best can’t be made of a bad situation. A major showcase of the event is the SXSW Gaming Awards, and

Rogue Company gameplay trailer reveals pvp combat and alpha sign-ups

The new team-based shooter from Hi-Rez Studios got a gameplay trailer, plus sign-ups for an upcoming Rogue Company alpha test are now open. Hi-Rez Studios has a pretty good track record with team-based and competitive games between Smite, Paladins, and Realm Royale. The studio arguably knows its way around interesting set-ups and compositions for these types of games, and with Rogue Company, they’re aiming to do help developer First Watch Games do it again on the Nintendo Switch and other systems. Recently, Rogue Company got a gameplay reveal and announced

Sega’s 60th anniversary opens with a relaunch of the website & new mascot

Sega introduced a new website and a fun throwback to Japanese Saturn era mascot Segata Sanshiro for its 60th anniversary. Go Sega. 60 years is quite a while to still be around in an industry as relatively young as video games. Sega has been kicking about for generations, and though it looked rough for a bit, the gaming company is still a major force in the industry with a lot of great things coming out regularly. The company is now celebrating its 60th anniversary and with it, a relaunch of

Animal Crossing: New Horizons achieved record Nintendo Switch sales in Japan

Animal Crossing: New Horizons sales have been through the roof. The game has achieved record-setting sales of physical copies in Japan on its first weekend. People have been waiting a long time for a good, new Animal Crossing game and it shows. The game has been nearly universally beloved by critics and players alike, but now it also has the sales to prove it. In its first weekend, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has a new sales record for Nintendo Switch games in Japan, topping out other massive-selling titles for the

A math teacher used Half-Life: Alyx to write and record lessons

Players are having quite a bit of fun with the advanced VR physics of Half-Life: Alyx, but at least one player used its markers to draw out a lesson for math class. Half-Life: Alyx is, by many accounts, an amazing achievement for both the Half-Life franchise and VR in general. The game has incredible physics and interactivity throughout and many are discovering fun ways to use it beyond just playing through Half-Life: Alyx. One such player was a teacher who used Half-Life: Alyx’s marker drawing feature to draw out an

The Long Dark: Social Distancing Fundraiser to support WHO against COVID-19

Hinterland Studios has announced The Long Dark: Social Distancing Fundraiser, in which current purchases of The Long Dark will go to help WHO in its efforts against the coronavirus. As the ongoing efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic continue, the World Health Organization is arguably leading the charge in research and publication of new, accurate information and treatment of the virus. The Long Dark developer Hinterland Studios has certainly taken note of this and intends to help in the fight. It has started The Long Dark: Social Distancing Fundraiser to donate

Call of Duty: Warzone getting new operator & new weapons, including 725 shotgun

Talon and his trusty canine companion are coming to Call of Duty soon, and the Warzone arsenal is getting a wealth of new guns including the potent 725 shotgun. Call of Duty: Warzone is doing well for itself. It’s brought quite a few much-needed breaths of fresh air to the battle royale genre, even if it doesn’t always hit the mark. It’s already had some lovely updates as well, and Infinity Ward and Activision are chugging along with even more goodies coming up. A new update will soon bring Talon

Animal Crossing: New Horizons update content could be delayed by coronavirus

New Horizons Director Aya Kyogoku recently explained that while new content isn't affected just yet, COVID-19 could cause delays in work on the game. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is incredibly refreshing and relaxing. Having finally launched, the game allows players to head to their own deserted island and turn it into their personal paradise. While there’s a lot to do in the game, players will no doubt be on the lookout for some extra goodies down the line, but the ongoing coronavirus pandemic could put a damper on things. Recently,