
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 – The Official Video Game Review – Sort of a Podium Finish?

It’s unclear when the Olympics will actually happen – they’re currently scheduled for later this year, but they’ve gotten delayed enough times that there’s no telling whether or not they’ll actually stick to the date this time around. But whether or not the Olympics do end up happening when scheduled, SEGA has decided to no longer wait. Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, a new game by the publisher that was originally meant as a tie in to the sporting event originally scheduled for last year, is now available. SEGA, presumably, rightly

Nintendo Switch users in Japan can now download Pokémon Unite ahead of tomorrow’s network test

Nintendo Switch owners in Japan who want to get in on Pokémon Unite can now download the software from the Switch eShop today. The first Pokémon MOBA is preparing for its network test beginning tomorrow. It will be available from June 24 to 26 prior to its launch in July. The download reportedly takes up about 1GB of space, and may require a further update when the servers go live tomorrow. But for a Switch title, it is reasonably small. There had been alpha testing completed in Canada and other

Niantic Is Changing Up Pokemon GO’s Exploration Bonuses In Response to COVID-19 Developments

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit early last year, Niantic made several changes to Pokemon GO’s exploration mechanics, making it easier for players to still catch Pokemon and get bonuses even from the confines of their own home. However, as more people are getting vaccinated and as the world moves slowly towards recovery, Niantic has announced that they’ll be rolling back some of those changes and bring the game back towards its original state. Niantic’s announced some new exploration bonuses that will be rolling out first in the US and New

Microsoft Reveals New Monitors Designed to Be Used With Xbox Series X/S

Credit: Microsoft Microsoft today revealed in a news post a series of monitors that are “Designed for Xbox.” As the company continues to tout the graphical hardware of the Xbox Series X/S, it’s probably wise to ensure users have a monitor that can handle it. These monitors are made by partner companies but are listed as “Designed for Xbox,” just to make sure potential consumers get the message. Xbox describes the new monitor’s capabilities: “Soon, players will see the new “Gaming Features for Xbox” badge appear on select monitors on