
PlayStation 5 Price: Here Are Our Predictions For PS5 Cost

Sony's PS5 event was scheduled for June 4 but has now been delayed to an undetermined future date. Prior to the news of its postponement, there had been tons of excitement and speculation about what the company will reveal about the upcoming next-generation console. While new games being played on PlayStation 5 are confirmed to be part of the showcase whenever it happens, we might also hear more technical details around its internal architecture and possible services. And if luck's on our side, there could even be a release date

Best deals from PlayStation Days of Play 2020 Sale

PlayStation has launched its Days of Play 2020 Sale and Shacknews has rounded up some of the best deals you can take advantage of over the next few weeks. PlayStation 4 owners, it's that time of year for you. Sony has kicked off one of its biggest sales of the year, the Days of Play Sale. The team at PlayStation wants to bring its community together through the annual Days of Play celebration and part of that involves taking a hatchet to a number of full-priced games and making them