
Roundguard on Apple Arcade Game Designer Andrea Roberts interview

When it comes to the idea of a peggle-style game, it doesn’t have to be a simple level-by-level design. It can be an adventure! That’s the idea behind Wonderbelly Games’ Roundguard - a game that asks you to clear boards of monsters, treasure, potions, and other goodies with bouncy RPG heroes, and recently launched on the Apple Arcade. Roundguard describes itself as a “bouncy dungeon crawler” in which you’ll use characters like warriors, mages, rogues, and more, each with their own unique abilities, to launch and bounce around boards populated

You Can Help Create A Coronavirus Vaccine By Playing This Game

COVID-19, otherwise known as the novel coronavirus, is an ongoing global outbreak that has affected over 97 countries and territories. Declared as a public health emergency by the World Health Organisation (WHO), there is currently no vaccine to completely stop this global epidemic. However, a team of researchers at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle have come up with an unusual technique to combat the COVID-19 virus outbreak: video games, providing a glimmer of hope in this gloom and doom time.  Foldit, the crowdsourcing online puzzle video game that was launched