
The King of Vermillion adds Ally of Justice Catastor, Tuning, Meklord, and Synchron support to Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is kicking into a new gear with the release the game’s 34th mini box, The King of Vermillion.  This release is supplementing the 34th main box, Eternal Stream, which was released at the end of April, and the recently released Stardust Nexus Structure deck.  Not only will The King of Vermillion introduce several powerful monsters, but one of the key chase cards will be Tuning, a Spell Card that allows the player to search for a Synchron Tuner monster from the deck and add it to their

New TFT Set 5 Armories getting tested for release in Patch 11.12

Huge Set Five Reckoning Armory changes are being tested on the Teamfight Tactics PBE servers this week and are expected to go live with the 11.12 update, Riot Games announced today.  Balance devs are going wild with new Armory changes that are expected to hit the live servers on June 9. Players can expect a chance to see these new Armories dropping at stages 3-2, 5-2, 6-2, and 7-2. Hyper Roll is slightly different, with potential Armories dropping at stages 4-1, 7-3, and 9-2. Existing Armories will still drop at

Lurking in the Shadows WoW: How to Complete the Quest

Top GamesCrimson Dredwing Pup and Stony Battle Pets | Courtesy of Activision/BlizzardLurking in the Shadows in World of Warcraft is a pet battle World Quest located in Ardenweald.There are a few strategies to defeat Grixis Tinypop and his Nightfang in a friendly game of pet battling. By far the most popular strategy to deal with Nightfang is to go in with a level 25 Iron Starlette. Using wind-up, supercharge, then wind-up once more for massive damage, you will one shot Nightfang from using these three moves in that order with

Liquid best paiN to set up upper final match against FURIA

Liquid have secured a spot in the upper bracket final of cs_summit 8 after beating paiN in a two-map series, setting up a battle against FURIA to see who will advance directly to the grand final of the Regional Major Ranking event. "In the other games we didn't put in as much work as we did for this one and the last one," Jonathan "⁠EliGE⁠" Jablonowski said regarding the clean victory. He also touched on Gabriel "⁠FalleN⁠" Toledo's comments after their last match, in which the Brazilian captain had revealed

Day 3 of Modern Horizons 2 spoilers features callbacks, Suspend spells

Modern Horizons 2 is becoming a series that allows Wizards of the Coast to take risks with card design and bring back mechanics that are unlikely to ever make it into a Standard legal set. This is because Modern Horizons 2 is directly printed into Modern, skipping Standard legality. Suspend, Storm, and Vanishing are a handful of the older Magic mechanics that are returning in the upcoming set. Wizards also uses Modern Horizons to make references on older cards and add Easter eggs for longtime fans. Today’s spoilers for Modern