
All SEGA Genesis Games Coming to the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack

Top GamesThe Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack is set to include 14 SEGA Genesis games among its offerings at launch. / Photo courtesy of Nintendo, SEGANintendo recently announced a new premium offering to their video game subscription service called the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack, which launches on Oct. 25, 2021, and will only be offered in annual subscription periods. It costs $49.99 USD for an individual plan and $79.99 for a family plan for 12 months.The expansion pack is an optional upgrade that gives its members the

Full list of all Twitch payouts (Twitch leaks)

A breach of Twitch’s data exposed information regarding payouts for streamers over the course of the past 26 months, and as you might expect, some of the platform’s top streamers have made millions. The Twitch payout leaks only include money from subscriptions, bit donations, and advertisement revenue. The figures do not include any personal sponsorships or direct donations a streamer might have had over that period of time. The payouts also do not include any money they may have received from Twitch directly for signing a contract to stream exclusively