
Wisdom—Red Light Holland’s Psychedelic VR Experience is Now Available on Steam, the Largest Online Distribution Platform for PC Gaming

Red Light Holland Corp, an Ontario-based company responsible for the production, development, and sale of a magic truffle brand to the recreational market within the territory of the Netherlands, has announced the launch of their psychedelic VR experience called Wisdom on Steam. Steam is a notable online VR distribution platform for PC gaming that has a VR install base of approximately 3.45 million people all over the world. Wisdome: The New VR Experience The VR experience, which is narrated by the famous Canadian star Russell Peters, will be explaining the

‘Know Your Potential’ with Knosis – Cognizin® Citicoline Featured…

NEW YORK (PRWEB) September 17, 2020 Dietary supplement brand Knosis enters the market with the launch of its powdered Energy + Nootropic mix, a science-backed formula designed by Knosis’ founder Erik Bywater to optimally support eSports performance and energy. “Gamers aren’t chained to our screens; we are also competitors, athletes, creators, entrepreneurs and hard workers who strive to be the best at whatever we do,” he explains, “I wanted to create a novel nootropic for these niches that functions like a ‘pre-workout’ for your brain, and that was proven effective,

Out Now: ‘Hyena Squad’, ‘PAKO Caravan’, ‘Dungeoning’, ‘Neuroshima Convoy’, ‘Conjurer Andy’s Repeatable Dungeon’, ‘Crux: A Climbing Game’, ‘LegendArya’, ‘OLO Loco’ and More

Each and every day new mobile games are hitting the App Store, and so each week we put together a big old list of all the best new releases of the past seven days. Back in the day the App Store would showcase the same games for a week, and then refresh those features each Thursday. Because of that developers got into the habit of releasing their games throughout Wednesday or very early Thursday in order to hopefully get one of those coveted features spots. Nowadays the App Store refreshes

Mulan Review — All Style, No Substance

Disney's recent history with live-action adaptations of their animated classics has been a mixed bag at best. There seems to be no real hard-and-fast conventions as to just what gets added or changed in the transition from 2D to 3D. New songs are added, new characters, new plot threads--all, presumably, in service to whatever will help reinvent a decades-old classic for a new generation. Unfortunately, in the case of Mulan, it seems that the calculations were botched right from the start.It's a familiar story. Hua Mulan (Yifei Liu), the eldest

Apple Reportedly Cancels Some Upcoming Apple Arcade Game Contracts in an Effort to Restructure Service and Increase “Engagement”

Ever since Apple launched their gaming subscription service Apple Arcade in September of last year, I’ve often wondered how the service is actually performing. There was tremendous buzz on launch from both critics and users alike, which is something I wasn’t quite expecting given the typically negative reaction towards the idea of subscription gaming from the traditional gamer audience. However, given that the App Store is overrun with free to play games that are often exploitative or lacking in any real substance, paying five bucks a month to have access

Prince of Persia Redemption leaked footage shows off gameplay of canceled game

A recently surfaced trailer for a canceled Prince of Persia Redemption game shows a lengthy look at what could have been a sequel to the 2008 reboot. Ever since Prince of Persia was rebooted pretty successfully in 2008, there had been rumors here and there about a follow-up to the game. Those rumors never culminated in anything of real substance, but recently fans discovered a look at what could have been. A gameplay video featuring a game called Prince of Persia Redemption has surfaced and shows off a wealth of

No Man’s Sky Update 2.4 patch notes add pilotable Exo Mech to the game

You may not have known you wanted to pilot a mech in No Man's Sky, but Hello Games has you covered in their latest Update 2.4. Check out the patch notes here. No Man’s Sky has a lot of amenities befitting of its status as a sci-fi exploration and resource management game, but didn’t you feel like something was missing? Something that’s been a staple throughout sci-fi history? Mechs. It was mechs all along, and though you may not have realized you had a need for such a thing, Hello