voice commands

How to set up and use Siri on iPhone 13 and 13 Pro

Siri is a vital function for every iPhone user and once again, the AI is gracing the small screen inside of your iPhone 13 devices. Using Siri can allow you to sort out schedules as well as activate parts of your phone while you are away from it or driving. Letting you record your thoughts and plans when you can’t get hands-on on your phone anytime soon. To set up and activate Siri on iPhone 13, do the following: Go to settings then click “Siri and Search”From here, make sure

How to create Custom Radio Commands in CS:GO

Good aim and tactical knowledge of the maps are two of the most important factors when it comes to climbing CS: GO’s ranked ladder. You’ll need to hold your own against the enemy team, even pulling off clutch rounds to save the day from time to time. Though your mechanical skills will do most of the work during intense moments, you can put yourself in more advantageous positions by communicating with your teammates. The voice chat feature will be the best way to feed information to your team while also receiving some

Facebook shares details on the next phase of its in-headset VR advertising across the Oculus platform

In Virtual Reality News June 16, 2021 – Last month, Facebook announced that it was starting to test ads in the Oculus mobile app to give developers a new way to showcase their virtual reality (VR) applications. Today, the company has shared a look at the next phase of its VR advertising exploration by sharing a small test of in-headset ads. Today’s ad experiment announcement is simply a test with a few apps, beginning with VR game Blaston from Resolution Games, as well as a couple of other developers that

10 Best PS4 Camera Games

The PlayStation Camera was mainly used for the PSVR headset. However, before the VR headset releasing, players could use the camera for streaming with also the benefit of the included microphone. Outside of that, there were a few video game titles that made use of the PS Camera without being within the realm of VR. In this list, we are going to cover the best video games that made use of the PlayStation Camera. #10 Tearaway Unfolded Tearaway Unfolded is based around a messenger that is forced to overcome all

Archived | Create a virtual reality speech sandbox

Archived contentArchive date: 2019-08-08This content is no longer being updated or maintained. The content is provided “as is.” Given the rapid evolution of technology, some content, steps, or illustrations may have changed.Summary This developer pattern will show you how to build advanced interactive speech systems for virtual reality with just two Watson™ services: Watson Speech-to-Text for transcription and Watson Assistant for parsing the meaning of the words. Discover how to leverage the Watson Unity SDK to implement the services right from the Unity development environment. Description Virtual reality (VR) enables