
Vulpecula god roll in Destiny 2

Vulpecula came into Season of the Lost bringing one of the most unique perk pools in Destiny 2 and a few easy avenues to obtain it. The wealth of perks in Vulpecula brings out a series of possible god rolls for this Hand Cannon, but there are a few perks that have a clear edge over the rest. God rolls are a personal affair, though. And while guardians can consider some perks and parts to be better, it ultimately comes down to preference. Here’s our selection for a Vulpecula god

All Valheim cheats and console commands

Valheim offers a fun and exciting experience where players can fight bosses, build extensive bases, or explore the massive map. It’s easy to sink hours into the game, especially when grinding for better gear or working on a large project. But there’s another option for players who have less time or just want to get straight into the action.  Players can enable cheats, dev commands, and console commands in Valheim to spawn every item in the game and change settings in single player and multiplayer servers. While this significantly changes

How to defeat every boss in Valheim

Valheim‘s exciting adventure lets players brave a vast world and defeat a wide range of monsters and creatures. You can spend your time exploring the locations the world has to offer or creating massive castles and villages for you and your friends to enjoy.  If you want to improve your equipment and tools, though, you must defeat five different bosses, and some aspects of the game aren’t available until you beat these formidable foes. Each boss fight requires slightly different tactics and preparation, but taking the bosses down is easy

How to update Among Us on PC, Mobile, and Console?

Among Us may look like it rose to fame out of nowhere, but it’s been around since 2018. With a little push from popular streamers, the game caught the wind below its wings and grew into a phenomenon. Shortly after becoming a hit, Among Us started to branch into other gaming platforms and its player base grew exponentially. Developers even had a hard time with keeping their servers running since they didn’t expect to draw in enough players to crash the servers.  Like other multiplayer titles, Among Us receives frequent

Dead Space Remake – 5 Issues it Needs to Address

As many of us now know, it appears that EA has indeed heard our cries for some sort of revival for the Dead Space franchise and they are finally giving us just that in the form of a total remake of the original game. While that is perhaps playing it a bit on the safe side, and a more ambitious true 4th game in the storyline would have perhaps been preferable – especially seeing how well the original game still holds up – at this point, any form of a

EA Plans to Expand Sports Games Over Five Years

Top GamesEA wants to reach 500 million players worldwide with its sports games in the next five years. / Photo courtesy of EAElectronic Arts plans to expand its sports games over the next five years, aiming to reach a global audience of 500 million players, according to EA Sports general manager Daryl Holt.Speaking to Axios, Holt said the company plans to expand with "new business models, new geographies" as it works toward that goal. EA's plans include moving back into golf, college football, baseball, and, using recent acquisition Codemasters, to

Worst Pokémon in Pokémon UNITE

At the time of its launch on the Nintendo Switch, the first MOBA-style game in the Pokémon franchise, Pokémon UNITE boasts a roster of 20 characters that players can use in-game. With its five vs. five teamplay, there are plenty of options for diversity when it comes to team composition. But the balancing between these Pokémon is far from even. Due to this, most teams wind up being a combination of the most powerful Pokémon rather than those which complement each other’s strengths. Here are the worst Pokémon right now

Microsoft Flight Simulator Fenix A320 Gets Impressive Videos; F-14 Tomcat, Hawk T1, & St. Croix Get New Screenshots; Edinburg & Mumbai Released

Today third-party developers had plenty of news to share about upcoming add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator. We start with two new releases. Orbx launched its Mumbai City Pack, enriching the city in India considerably. It can be purchased on Orbx Direct for $7.36 and you can read a list of features below. 16 high-detail custom landmarks including Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Gateway of India, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Omkar 1973, Imperial Towers, and the Bandra–Worli Sea Link bridge.More than 100 medium-detail custom landmarks showcase the truly unique architectural styles of old

New World Petalcap: Where to Find Petalcap

Top GamesNew World's Petalcap is a powerful reagent. / Photo courtesy of Amazon GamesNew World's Petalcap is a resource players can harvest from mushroom patches around the game's map. Collecting a handful is a necessary step in the quest Weakness of the Ego — alongside collecting some Rivercress Stem. Here's where to find some Petalcap reliably.Hey adventurers, first main quest hurdle: Weakeness of the Ego? Here's an image to help you find the plants you're looking for! If you also can't find water, this may be your stopping point! Hope