Barbarian (Gothrak)

Barbarian (Gothrak)

No fantasy game can be complete without a Barbarian. In the case of Lords Mobile, we have Gothrak. And, as far as Barbarian stereotypes go, he checks every box. He’s got a horned helmet, a ridiculously oversized weapon, a big bushy beard, and a mean-as-hell expression.

He’s also got teeny tiny legs that look totally ridiculous below his big muscular torso. I guess he skipped leg day. But even with those weedy calves, he’s a terrific fighter. Read on for my expert opinion on the Barbarian. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two.

“Your face, my axe, right now!” –Gothrak

Who Is Barbarian?

If you actually care about the lore in this game, here’s the scoop on Gothrak. Just try not to fall asleep, because it’s a pretty boring read.

By the age of six, Gothrak was stronger than you’ll ever be, swinging an axe around with ease. Then, when he was a teenager, he became the chief of his tribe. These days, he fights to win back his people’s homeland.

So, you see, there is a big old heart underneath that angry exterior.

Barbarian Score

Barbarian scoreBarbarian score

Now, I love to criticize things. But when it comes to ranking the Barbarian, I’m compelled to give him a pretty decent score. Sure, his design is generic and his backstory’s even worse. However, in terms of stats and abilities, I’d rank him as arguably the best P2P cavalry hero in the game alongside Steambot.

So, even though it pains me to praise anything, Barbarian gets a respectable 8.5/10 from me. But let me be clear: he only gets a good score because of his actual use in the game. Everything else about him is boring and bland, a little like you.


Now let’s take a closer look at the Barbarian. No, we’re not going to be looking at his tribal tattoos or basic design. Instead, I’m going to show you what this hero can do in terms of his Battle Skills and Hero Skills.

Let’s start off with the Battle Skills:

Barbarian Battle SkillsBarbarian Battle Skills
  • War Cry: This skill deals up to 200% squad ATK damage to enemy troops.
  • Cavalry HP Boost: With this, you can make your cavalry much harder to kill, with up to 50% more HP.
  • Impenetrable Defense: Like Cavalry HP Boost, Impenetrable Defense is a “When Deployed” effect. It gives you up to 25% more army DEF.
  • Cavalry ATK Boost: This skill raises your cavalry ATK when Barbarian is deployed, by up to 30%.

Hopefully, you’ve got enough brain cells to see that Barbarian is very cavalry-oriented and offers major boosts to your cavalry troops. He won’t provide much help to any other troops, but for cavalry, he’s the king.

Now let’s check out his Hero Skills:

Barbarian Hero SkillsBarbarian Hero Skills
  • Taunt: Barbarians love to taunt stuff, and Gothrak is no different. With this skill, he can damage multiple enemies. Not only that, but he also makes them so mad that they’ll only target him for the next five seconds. This is handy if you need to take the heat away from your other heroes.
  • Heathen Smash: With Heathen Smash, the Barbarian slams his mighty axe into the ground. This results in short-range damage to every enemy in front of Gothrak. It also stuns them for a second.
  • Berserker Stance: While in his Berserker Stance, Gothrak becomes even angrier. This gives him a temporary ATK increase for five seconds.
  • Man of War: Man of War is a passive effect. It increases the STR of Gothrak in combat.

Overall, the Barbarian’s Hero Skills aren’t all that special. That’s why you probably won’t see him a whole lot in any monster hunting lineups, or even in the Colosseum. Instead, the main use of this hero is to power up your cavalry troops.

Here’s a few more specifications about the Barbarian, just in case you’re dying to know more about him:

  • Type: Cavalry
  • Class: Strength
  • Species: Human
  • Sex: Male
  • Movement: Running

How to Unlock the Barbarian

Barbarian is one of Lords’ many P2P heroes. For the small-brained readers out there, that means you’ll have to buy him with actual money, or your mom’s credit card.

Specifically, you’ll need to buy Barbarian medals, and you’ll need 15 of the suckers to unlock a common-rank Barbarian. That costs just $4.99, so it’s not too pricey.

However, if you want to max him all the way out, the cheapest option is to spend $110 on $5 packs, which are available every few weeks. It takes time, but it saves money.

If you’re greedy, impatient, and have little regard for the value of money, you could also just spend $575 to max him out immediately. It’s up to you. I’m not here to judge.

Barbarian and the Colosseum

Barbiarian in ColosseumBarbiarian in Colosseum

Like I said before, you won’t see Barbarian used too often in the Colosseum, but that doesn’t mean he’s useless. His huge levels of strength can work well in Colosseum encounters. But, since he doesn’t really have any abilities to help the rest of your team, you need to be smart with your lineup.

Gothrak will blindly run right into the face of danger and often dies early. So, I recommend having a healer in the crew to keep him alive as long as possible. In battle, his “Taunt” ability can be really helpful for giving the other heroes time to recover.

He’s capable of soaking up a lot of damage, too. However, against good teams with lots of ranged heroes or area-of-effect skills, he may not stay alive long enough to make an impact.

Rallying with Barbarian

Rallying is where Barbarian works best. He gives some huge boosts to your cavalry troops, so you’ll immediately have an advantage when targeting other players around the kingdom.

Like I said earlier on, he won’t be much help to your infantry or ranged fighters, but he’s the best P2P hero for cavalry charges. You simply have to include him in when planning rallies against a strong opponent.

Monster Hunting with Barbarian

You won’t usually see Barbarian in any of the best monster hunting lineups. That might seem weird. After all, if I was heading off to fight some big bad beast, I’d probably want a big tough fella like this on my side. But Lords doesn’t follow the rules of logic.

Usually, it’s much more effective to have weak-looking mages like Sage of Storms and scantily-clad archers like Scarlet Bolt on your side. That’s just how this game works. I don’t make the rules.

You can still try using Barbarian in certain lineups, but only against creatures with low physical defense. He’ll do some decent damage, but teams with Barbarian tend to lack balance.

Overall, he doesn’t bring enough to the table to be worthwhile. Against some monsters, the taunt could save your more fragile heroes, but his lack of damage will set you back more than the potential to redirect a monster’s offensive skill.

Tips and Trivia

  • F2P Alternatives: If you want a freebie alternative to Barbarian, try Child of Light. You’ll get similar boosts to cavalry ATK and HP. Death Knight works well too, but only boosts cavalry HP and DEF.
  • P2P Alternatives: The best P2P alternative to Barbarian is Steambot. Steambot boosts cavalry ATK, HP, and DEF. He’s also a robot with a hat, so he definitely wins in the style contest with Barbarian.

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