Elden Ring: How to reach Mohgwyn Palace (secret area)

Elden Ring Mohgwyn Palace Mohg The Omen Secret AreaMohgwyn Palace is, you guessed it, another secret area in Elden Ring. At this rate, there will be more secret areas than regular areas in the game. I digress. Point is, you’re going to have to search a bit to get to this location. Here’s our Elden Ring guide to help you reach the Mohgwyn Palace secret area. It will, eventually, lead to a battle against Mohg the Omen.
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Elden Ring guide – How to reach the Mohgwyn Palace secret area
To get to the Mohgwyn Palace secret area in Elden Ring, you’ll need to have access to the Consecrated Snowfield. This is done by obtaining both halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion. With it, you’ll be able to use a second command when operating the Grand Lift of Rold, taking you to the Consecrated Snowfield instead of the Mountaintops of the Giants. As for the location itself, we’ll need to find a teleporter. If Ordina Liturgical Town…

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