Hope for a GoldenEye 007 re-release returns as the game gets a surprise list of Xbox achievements

goldeneye 007 achievementsIt was roughly a year ago when footage of a canceled GoldenEye 007 remake/port appeared online. For many fans, the gameplay video of the leaked game was bittersweet. To see the Nintendo 64 classic running at 60 fps with clean visuals was a dream. Sadly, it would never come to be. But change may be in the air. Over the weekend, GoldenEye 007 suddenly received a full list of Xbox achievements. Currently, it’s tough to say if the port is actually getting prepped for release, or if the list was a mistake. However, it does provide hope that the remake will actually find its way into our hands soon.
The list was picked up by TrueAchievements on Saturday. Happy New Year, indeed. The list includes 55 achievements for GoldenEye 007, with one that’s labeled as secret. However, the majority is about what you’d expect. There are achievements for completing all the missions, the game, as well as those for playing through on each difficulty. But there are plenty of achievements … Source: https://www.pcinvasion.com/goldeneye-007-xbox-achievements-reveal/

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