League of Legends LoLdle Answers 366: July 8, 2023

League of Legends LoLdle Answers 366: July 8, 2023

The world of esports has been set ablaze with the release of the 366th edition of the League of Legends’ LoLdle. This engaging guessing game has become a favorite pastime for fans of Riot Games’ globally acclaimed MOBA title. The game’s premise is simple, yet intriguing – players must correctly identify the names of champions from a drop-down menu and confirm their choices.

The 366th edition of LoLdle has brought a new wave of excitement among players, who are eager to maintain their daily streak in the game. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the solutions for this edition, helping players navigate the challenges with ease.

The Answers to LoLdle 366 (July 8, 2023)

The answers for the 366th edition of LoLdle, released on July 8, 2023, are as follows:

  • Classic: Nilah
  • Quote: Vex
  • Ability: Zyra
  • Bonus: W
  • Emoji: Urgot
  • Splash Art: Nocturne
  • Bonus: Frozen Terror Nocturne

A Glimpse into the Past: Previous LoLdle Answers

For the benefit of our readers, we have compiled a list of previously revealed LoLdle solutions. This will not only help you understand the pattern of the game but also prepare you for future challenges.

  • LoLdle 365, July 7, 2023: Rammus, Lissandra, Viego, Lulu, Wukong
  • LoLdle 364, July 6, 2023: Alistar, Teemo, Urgot, Nidalee, Gwen
  • LoLdle 363, July 5, 2023: Rumble, Anivia, Kennen, Kindred, Aphelios
  • LoLdle 362, July 4, 2023: Malzahar, Caitlyn, Kha’Zix, Shaco, Hecarim
  • LoLdle 361, July 3, 2023: Lillia, Jhin, Gangplank, Yone, Talon
  • LoLdle 360, July 2, 2023: Kayn, Azir, Leona, Brand, Kai’Sa
  • LoLdle 359, July 1, 2023: Dr. Mundo, Orianna, Udyr, Bard, Ziggs
  • LoLdle 358, June 30, 2023: Sivir, Ryze, Maokai, Malzahar, Rakan
  • LoLdle 357, June 29, 2023: Ashe, Pantheon, Dr. Mundo, Sivir, Renata Glasc
  • LoLdle 356, June 28, 2023: Taric, Lux, Janna, Jayce, Aurelion Sol
  • LoLdle 355, June 27, 2023: Swain, Karma, Soraka, Volibear, Aatrox
  • LoLdle 354, June 26, 2023: Sion, Hecarim, Vel’Koz, Akshan, Tristana
  • LoLdle 353, June 25, 2023: Tryndamere Braum, Jax, Taliyah, Annie

In the latest edition of LoLdle, the first answer is Nilah, a recently released champion in League of Legends. Identifying Vex’s quote can be a bit challenging for most players. Zyra, often overlooked by the community, can be difficult to decipher. The emoji puzzle solution corresponds to Urgot, which can be tricky to identify. Lastly, recognizing Nocturne’s splash art can be a challenge for those unfamiliar with the champion.

The world of LoLdle is filled with excitement and challenges. With this guide, we hope to make your journey a little easier. Happy gaming!

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