PC Invasion’s Most Anticipated Games of 2022 — Andrew’s picks

Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2022 pc games bestAnother year is upon us, and with it, there are even more games to suck more of my life into the abyss. I previewed some of these and have a good idea of what the final versions will be like. Others, I know next to nothing about, but that’s okay. Sometimes an air of mystery is preferable. Here are five of the PC games that I’m most looking forward to in 2022.
I don’t mention that one game that’s clearly missing because everyone is already eager for that one. I don’t even have to say the name. I’ll give you a hint: it’s difficult, and it’s from those people who make all those difficult games people love to livestream.
Weird West
I previewed this one the other month. Weird West was headed up by the guy who directed Dishonored and Prey and, based on my time with the game, it manages to scratch a lot of those same itches on a fraction of the budget. As the name makes clear, it’s a Western, but it’s also an immersive sim…. Source: https://www.pcinvasion.com/pc-most-anticipated-games-2022-andrew/

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