Soulslike Asterigos: Curse of the Stars Looks Fantastic in Gameplay Overview Trailer

Asterigos: Curse of the Stars is an excellent-looking Soulslike action RPG, and its release on PS5 and PS4 is imminent, with the adventure set to begin on 11th October. In this lengthy gameplay overview trailer, we learn a little of what lies in wait for plucky protagonist Hilda in the cursed city of Aphes.

Combat lies at the heart of the experience, along with some light puzzles, and Hilda is able to change between combat styles while in battle freely. Asterigos is populated by all kinds of monsters pulled straight out of Greek and Roman legend, so expect to face fearsome minotaurs, repulsive hydra and mutated manticores.

We have had our eye on this one for a little while now, and look forward to seeing how this one shapes up. What do you think of Asterigos: Curse of the Stars? After a relatively quiet period, it looks like the gaming onslaught is about to begin. What are you planning on playing in the weeks to come? Let us know in the comments section below.

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