Suddenly Drunk: Box of Bad Ideas

Let me tell you about this game. Or at least I’m going to try. Because Suddenly Drunk does not fuck around and every single one of us was wasted by the end of the night. Obviously, this article/game is for adults 21 and older, so you youngins go check out some other great articles on the site.

Disclaimer: we played this game in a safe environment where everyone drinking was well over 21, trusted one another, and no one who drank drove. Please play this game safely and drink responsibly.

4 shots in 15 minutes

This game is exactly what it sounds like: a fun drinking game with the sole purpose of getting you fucked up while giggling like children playing your favorite board game.

The rules? Simple and straightforward.

1. Pick your board game of choice (we chose LIFE which was intense cause drinking and math do not combine well).
2. The first person draws a card from the Suddenly Drunk pile and reads the card. Certain cards have certain things that you must follow and a LOT of them have drink or take a shot as an action.
3. The person who just drew the card then performs the action or holds onto the card for later and takes their turn in the board game.
4. Rinse and repeat with each player until you finish the game, or you are, in fact, too drunk to finish the game (as was the case with us).

Shots shots shots shots!

When I say we got wasted, I mean we got wasted! This game does not mess around with getting you drunk quickly and easily. It’s a blast and only gets more fun the more you drink. With straightforward rules and some fun mini-games mixed in between the action cards, this game is a must-have for anyone who likes to play games while drunk.

The expansion packs are a plus and add some more fun to the overall game, adding in silly accents, funny dares, and yes, there are some “sexy” cards, but they’re all fun and not crazy risqué. We did skip a few cards as some were a bit immature or didn’t really match up with our group’s sense of humor. However, that could be because we’re a bit older. I’m sure college me would’ve gotten a kick out of some of them.

One of our favorite games was called “Duck” based on the Nintendo game Duck Hunt. The premise is simple, the person who draws the card holds onto the cards and at a random point yells “QUACK”! Then all the other players must respond with “BANG”. The first person to yell “BANG” is safe and everyone else must drink. It made for a funny moment because all of us were so confused as to why our friend was quacking for a moment cause we’d forgotten about the card!

One More

Suddenly Drunk is an elevated drinking game that’s so much fun and will get you giggling and having way too much fun before you know it! The action cards were easy to follow, the mini-games were silly and we all ended the night very drunk and very happy.

All in all the game was a blast and easy to follow, even while quite intoxicated. As long as you drink water, eat some snacks and pick a good group of friends to play with, you’re going to have an amazing time.

Next time, we’re gonna try playing Suddenly Drunk along with Mario Party. I mean, what could go wrong?

Want to play Suddenly Drunk for yourself? You can buy the game for yourself here!

This game was provided for review by Breaking Games

Are you a fan of drinking and gaming? What do you think of this review? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

The Review

Suddenly Drunk: Box of Bad Ideas


  • Easy to Play, Fun Mini-Games, Get Drunk Fast


  • Some of the actions where a little strange and immature

Review Breakdown


Time Stamp:

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