TFT tier list – all Set 6 champions ranked

Teamfight Tactics is League of Legends’ answer to the auto-chess battler genre. If you happen to be a fan of the MOBA, you may well recognise the champions that appear in TFT. If that is the case, it will come as no surprise to you that this one is filled to the brim with different characters, all with their own abilities.

You may feel overwhelmed with the amount of choice you have, but that level of choice is key. Of course, just like real chess, you need to be strategic. That principle applies here, as you must work out which champions will lead you to victory, and which ones will have you waving that little white flag faster than you can say “checkmate.”

Never fear, though! We have put in the time and research to come up with a TFT tier list for TFT Set 6. It is designed to show you which champions are best suited to you and your intended playstyle. However, do be aware that depending upon what playstyle your opponent adopts, you may have to alter your tactics and shake up which champions you use.

Oh, and Teamfight Tactics has a rotation of available champions. Approximately every three months, a new set is released, or half a set – essentially a partial change to the roster. So be sure to check back here for the next rotation, when we will compile another tier list.

So, without further ado, here is our TFT tier list!

TFT champions tier list

Tier Champion
S Janna, Jayce, Jinx, Viktor, Yuumi, Orianna
A Zac, Yone, Dr Mundo, Braum, Fiora, Kaisa, KogMaw, Lissandra, Molzahar, Lux, Shaco, Sion, Tahm Kench, Garen, Talon, Taric, Vi, Heimerdinger
B Warwick, Zilean, Akali, Blitzcrank, Camille, Chogath, Darius, Ekko, Ezreal, Galio, Gangplank, Jhin, Illaoi, Katarina, Leona, Miss Fortune, Poppy, Quinn, Samia, Seraphine, Singed, Tristana, Trundle, Urgot, Vex
C Swain, Lulu, Twisted Fate, Graves, Twitch
D Kassadin, Caitlyn, Zyra, Ziggs

heimerdinger looking after a baby dragon

TFT class tier list

So what exactly determines the quality of a champion? Well, one area is the character’s class. Some classes have incredible bonuses that can turn the tide of battle, while others will leave you questioning what they really have to offer.

Tier Class
S Transformer, Enchater
A Bruiser, challenger, Scholar
B Bodyguard, Assassin, Arcanist, Protector, Sniper, Colossus, Twinshot
C Innovator

Volibear dressed in his el macho gear with two opponents

TFT origins tier list

Alongside class, origins is a determining factor in just how effective a champion may be on the battlefield. Some offer greater benefits than others, ultimately helping your units to achieve their full potential.

Tier Origins
S Cuddly, Sister, Enforcer
A Glutton, Mutant, Chemtech
B Mercenary, Imperial, Clockwork, Academy, Scrap, Socialite
C Yordle
D Syndicate

Again, remember to bear in mind that the best champions for the task at hand can change on a game-by-game basis. Depending upon the build your opponent goes with, you may have to change up the champions that you select.

What is a Teamfight Tactics set?

In a nutshell, a set is the range of champions on offer. Every so often, Riot will shake its auto-battler up by removing characters for a while and introducing different ones. It helps to keep the game fresh and interesting.

That’s a wrap on our TFT tier list! We hope you found it useful and now prove to be a master strategist on the board. If you would like to get in on the action, you can download the game via the App Store and Google Play.

If you do enjoy Teamfight Tactics and would like to see more of these champions, you might want to consider giving League of Legends: Wild Rift a whirl. We have a League of Legends: Wild Rift tier list to give you an idea of which champions will best suit your playstyle.


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