Warzone Pacific update makes adjustments to balance perks in Season Two

Warzone Pacific update balancing perksCall of Duty: Warzone Pacific Season Two introduced a range of new content, and Raven Software continues to improve the battle royale experience with regular updates. The latest update balances perks in Warzone Pacific to unlock even more possibilities. As many perks were originally intended for multiplayer, Raven Software has made changes to make them more viable in the context of a battle royale.
An example of this is the Scavenger perk, which worked best in smaller areas. Now, players with this perk equipped will be able to see Scavenger pouches outlined in cyan, and they’ll have 40 more seconds to pick them up. Also, a pouch now provides an extra armor plate. Quick Fix is another perk intended for multiplayer, but it has been made stronger in Warzone Pacific. Using an armor plate now regenerates your health. As a result, you should be able to get back in the action much quicker.
Next, the recharge time of Restock has been reduced from 50 seconds to 25 seconds. At th…

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