Xenoblade Chronicles 3: How To Unlock The Best Heroes

Xenoblade Chronicles is a massive game with a ton of side activities. The game’s combat mechanics can be as complex as the world players traverse, and an important aspect of this is the Hero and Class system. Players will start the game with a few classes to choose from, but as they progress through the story they will unlock Heroes that can join their party as an additional aid in combat. Once a Hero is unlocked, players can also choose to equip their class with other members of the party.

This means that players will do best when they carefully choose which classes work best with their playstyle and utilize them as much as possible. Players have to also balance the different roles within the combat. There are three roles in play during a fight, Healer, Attacker, and Defender. It is important that a good team is comprised of a decent mix of these class types in order to cover all of the bases needed to come out victorious. Listed below, players can find out how to unlock the best Heroes of each class type.


~~~ There are minor spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicle 3’s story below! ~~~

How To Unlock The Best Heroes in Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How To Unlock The Best Attacker Hero In Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Best Heroes Attacker EthelXenoblade Chronicles 3 Best Heroes Attacker Ethel

Silvercoat Ethel – Flash Fencer

Silvercoat Ethel is likely the first Hero that players will encounter in the game. Ethel’s class is Flash Fencer, an Attack-heavy class inherited by Noah. This class can deal some serious damage to enemies and is a great one to equip on Noah or Sena. Players simply need to progress through the game’s story until they reach Chapter 3. During this Chapter, a Hero quest called “No Want Of Courage” will give players access to Ethel as a companion, and unlock her class for use on other characters.

How To Unlock The Best Defender Hero In Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Best Heroes Defender ZeonXenoblade Chronicles 3 Best Heroes Defender Zeon

Dutiful Zeon – Guardian Commander

Dutiful Zeon is a Hero that is not encountered simply by progressing the game’s story. Zeon is easily one of the best Defenders in the game, but his quest is easy to miss in the large open world. Players should be in their 20s level-wise before attempting to recruit Zeon. To get this companion and class, players should finish Ethel’s Hero Quest and then gather information until they unlock the speech topic “Colony 9 Lately“. Once investigated, players will receive and can complete the Hero Quest titled “Where The Heart Is” to unlock Dituful Zeon.

How To Unlock The Best Healer Hero In Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Best Heroes Healer ValdiXenoblade Chronicles 3 Best Heroes Healer Valdi

Artificer Valdi – War Medic

Similar to Silvercoat Ethel, players will encounter and unlock Artificer Valdi as a companion via story progression, this time in Chapter 3. Valdi’s class, War Medic, is a Healing class., It can do decent damage in a pinch, but really shines when it comes to AoE Healing Arts and team buffs. To fully unlock Valdi, players will need to travel to Ribbi Flats, though this is not recommended until story progression takes you there. Once encountered, Valdi will set players on a course to liberate Colony 30. Once this is done, he will offer to join players on their journey.

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