
Paribus Mainnet Countdown.

We know the past few months have been drawn out for everyone eagerly awaiting the release date of our mainnet. Throughout each step, we’ve been direct and transparent with our community, and sometimes maybe a little too hopeful. But now the wait is over. Our developers have been working especially hard to meet the exacting requirements of the Hacken audit and we’re over the moon to have achieved a score of 8.7/10 which we feel represents the hard work of everyone involved. Now that we’ve passed with a high score

UNBINARY, the VR hand-painted puzzle adventure, was approved by Quest Store and started the QA process. It will be ready in Early 2022.

Celebrating this milestone, Ludact unveiled a story trailer of UNBINARY and made major updates on Early Access with requested features and new levels. Today, the Brazilian indie game studio Ludact announced the official approval for release UNBINARY on the Quest Store and a simultaneous launch for Meta Quest and PC VR in Early 2022. Included is the release of "Meet Webby", a story trailer showing more about the mind of the sarcastic AI and the hand-painted comic book art style. A major update was made today on the Early Access