Plato Gaming

3 Legend Buffs We Want in Apex Legends Season 10

Apex Legends

Courtesy of Respawn Entertainment

Courtesy of Respawn Entertainment

As Apex Legends enters its new season, there has been a large meta shake up with the introduction of the newest character Seer. This character has become the strongest in the game currently, and has many clamoring for a quick nerf to his kit.

While Respawn Entertainment, the developer behind Apex Legends, has already said that a nerf is coming to Seer, there are a few other characters in the game who could use buffs at the same time.

Wattson has seen a lack of power relative to the shifting meta for a few seasons now. With the emphasis on movement and quick rotations, she has become less and less usable in most games. The fences which are the biggest part of her kit require a team to sit in one place to fully take advantage of them, and with the introduction of Valkyrie and Seer, Wattson just doesn’t really fit the current meta of the game.

Crypto was a Legend on the rise last season, as his drone’s information gathering capabilities were seen as extremely useful late game. However, his niche has now been taken over by Seer, who can use that same level of long range information gathering more actively. His impact has certainly been stepped on a bit by the introduction of Seer, so hopefully Respawn gives him a change to allow for Crypto to carve out his own kind of impact on a game.

Mirage is a Legend that hasn’t seen a big change in a while. He simply does not give the same level of impact on a team level that most other Legends do. His abilities really only serve himself, and while he does have the ability to revive teammates while invisible, it is much more of a situational ability. He simply does not bring enough team value to warrant being picked over other agents right now.

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