Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22

The landscape of top laners in League of Legends is continually evolving, and Patch 13.23 has brought its share of meta shifts: the latest update nerfed 8 champions while only 2 buffs were handed out, but with the Janna rework and the Mage Attack Speed Increase releasing, players can find some new toys to play with. This time, we’re heading to the northernmost part of the Rift, looking at the best toplane champions yet again!

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22


Best Toplaners in LoL K'Sante

Best Toplaners in LoL K'Sante

K’Sante has received a nerf in Patch 13.22, but still retained his stance as a top pick for the toplane. The only adjustment the developers did was increasing the Bonus Health threshold to reach the minimum cast time of his Q, Ntofo Strikes, but it’s still achievable with 2 items, and should be maxed by 3 even if you don’t pay special attention to it. He’s still an incredibly versatile pick, able to peel and dive (often simultaneously), or isolate problematic targets.

Strengths: Versatility in switching roles, great sustain, and excellent in team fights, capable of destroying the enemy team’s entire backline – with easy access to it.

Weaknesses: Can struggle against ranged champions, requires precision in ability usage and good gamesense to know when to go All Out.

K’Sante Runes

Primary: Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth.

Secondary: Triumph, Legend: Tenacity.

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 KSante runes

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 KSante runes

This Rune setup brings out the best in K’Sante. Grasp of the Undying is the ultimate trading tool that the Pride of Nazumah can utilize even against ranged opponents thanks to his 2 dashes. Demolish is still great even after the changes to Plating Gold, while Overgrowth synergizes well with the Q cast time mentioned above. Triumph makes dives much easier and safer, while Legend: Tenacity is the best rune to use from the Precision tree.

Of course, adapting to opponents is key, so if you don’t think you can proc Grasp, pick Aftershock, and against poke matchups, Second Wind should be better than Bone Plating.

K’Sante Abilities

Ability Priority R > Q > W > E

You should always start the game with you Q, as it helps you lasthit and harass, as well as proc Grasp thanks to the slow. Then get E for the repositioning potential, then W – this is where you can start getting aggressive. Afterwards, max the abilities in the order above, as W deals good damage for such a useful defensive ability, and should not be ranked last. As with any champion, upgrading your ultimate is key, but it’s even more important for K’Sante, as All Out is his bread and butter.

K’Sante Build

Core Items: Iceborn Gauntlet, Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads, Gargoyle’s Stoneplate

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 KSante items

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 KSante items

K’Sante makes great use of Sheen and Iceborn Gauntlet, as it synergizes well with his passive. The slow from Iceborn also makes it borderline impossible for target to get away from him, and can lead to easy kills. Plated Steelcaps and Merc Treads are interchangeable, but Gargoyle’s is still a great item for him, as it keeps K’Sante tanky even in All Out.

Strategy Tips

K’Sante excels in sustained fights. Use his Q for poke and wave clear, while also trying to threaten opponents with Q3. His E provides excellent engage and disengage potential, which can really surprise some enemies paired up with his other abilities, even after the removal of tap-W In team fights, timing his R for maximum impact is crucial – try to use it after you hit the 60% Health Threshold, or to isolate and execute squishy targets.


Best Toplaners in LoL Poppy

Best Toplaners in LoL Poppy

Poppy has been a stable and reliable pick in the top lane – and still is, boasting a win rate of 54%. She’s a fantastic counter to dash-heavy champions and excels in controlling space, making her an undeniably great asset to any team in the current tempo of League of Legends. While she is straightforward, her kit offers enough nuance that you won’t get bored of her that easily!

Strengths: Excellent crowd control, strong against mobility, durable in team fights and can turn the tides of any skirmish with Keeper’s Verdict

Weaknesses: Limited damage output, struggles in extended trades, can be kited easily when E is down.

Poppy Runes

Primary: Grasp of the Undying, Shield Bash, Conditioning, Overgrowth

Secondary: Biscuit Delivery, Approach Velocity

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 Poppy Runes

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 Poppy Runes

Grasp of the Undying is also great on Poppy, as she can proc it with her ranged auto coming from her Passive. Shield Bash also synergizes with this ability well, while Conditioning and Overgrowth does wonders for her lategame tankiness. Biscuit Delivery helps her weaker first levels, while Approach Velocity let’s her stick to targets easier.

Poppy Abilities

Ability Priority: R > Q > E > W

Poppy’s Q is an excellent trading tool and the most powerful ability in her kit, which let’s your burst down opponents as well as make your great escape. Always start with this ability in lane, then get your E to start harassing. You really come online once your most annoying ability, Steadfast Presence is learned, but even though it’s incredibly useful, you should max this last as the extra levels don’t increase the usefulness as much.

Poppy Items

Core Items: Iceborn Gauntlet, Plated Steelcaps, Sunfire Aegis

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 Poppy Items

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 Poppy Items

Iceborn Gauntlet is great for Poppy as she can active the item’s passive with her ranged auto attack, while Sunfire Aegis let’s her push waves faster – something that is a weak spot for her. Afterwards, you can branch out to any tank item that is needed in the game.

Strategy Tips:
Utilize Poppy’s W to counter enemy dashes, but don’t be afraid to use it for the speed boost. Her E is perfect for setting up ganks or disengaging, as well as deleting someone that steps too close to a wall. Poppy shines in short, bursty trades and controlling objectives with her ultimate, but she can lock opponents down for an insane amount of time.


Best Toplaners in LoL Olaf

Best Toplaners in LoL Olaf

Olaf has an incredible, 55% winrate according to stats sites such as lolalytics in some ranks.. His ability to ignore crowd control makes him a formidable force in skirmishes and team fights, and his strong laning phase is incredibly strong, as one bad step can end the career of any opponent. He can put pressure on almost anyone, making him very hard to play against.

Strengths: Strong duelist, high sustain in fights, ignores crowd control, incredibly good backline access.

Weaknesses: Falls off late game, vulnerable to kiting, as if he can’t hit enemies, he can’t keep up his ultimate.

Olaf Runes

Primary: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand

Secondary: Biscuit Delivery, Approach Velocity

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 Olaf Runes

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 Olaf Runes

Olaf can stack Conqueror very quickly thanks to his high attack speed and low cooldowns, while Triumph and Last stand helps him dive and survive. While Ragnarök provides CC immunity, Legend: Tenacity can help Olaf stick to targets, as does Approach Velocity, which is great with Undertow. Biscuit Delivery works wonders in the laning phase, as it provides incredible sustain with Olaf’s built-in Life Steal.

Olaf Abilities

Ability Priority: R > Q > E > W

Outside of Ragnarök, Undertow is the most important skill of Olaf, as it’s your main damage tool both in lane and in teamfights. Reckless Swing is the next upgrade on the list – also the 2nd ability you get in lane – as it deals more damage and helps you with his executes. Tough it Out’s shield is useful later in the game, but Olaf’s passive provides Attack Speed, so you don’t need to upgrade the ability early on.

Olaf Items

Core Items: Ravenous Hydra, Stridebreaker Sterak’s Gage

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 Olaf Items

Best Toplaners in LoL Patch 13.22 Olaf Items

While in this season you usually start with Mythics, you need to get Hydra first to get it stacked as soon as possible – and it also helps with your laning. Olaf can be sticky, Stridebreaker can help the Berserker stick to targets even better. Sterak’s Gage helps with your survivability so you can burst down targets without getting burst yourself.

Strategy Tips:
Olaf excels in early aggression, especially against immobile champions. Use his Q for consistent poke and wave control. His ultimate should be timed to negate crucial crowd control in team fights, but it can be used as a tool to get to the backline, ignoring all obstacles in your path.

Of course, other strategies work, such as playing picks like Vayne or Rengar to make your opponent’s life miserable in the toplane. Don’t be afraid to try other strategies, and don’t forget to check out ESTNN’s other articles!

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