Femme Fatale (Thorn)

Femme Fatale (Thorn)

Femme Fatale was one of the earliest heroes added to Lords Mobile, way back in 2016. Back then, she seemed fun, fresh, and original, despite basically being a vampire version of Poison Ivy from the Batman comics.

These days, I’m sad to say that Femme Fatale isn’t all that special. In fact, she’s downright useless in most situations, with many other heroes offering better and more useful abilities. Do I have anything nice to say about her? I guess you’ll have to keep reading to find out.

“Sweet is the scent of blood.” –Thorn

Who Is Femme Fatale?

Who Is Femme FataleWho Is Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale (real name: Thorn) is a vampire lady. Her in-game story is vague and bland, saying that nobody knows where she came from or who she really is. Great, thanks for that deep, rich lore, IGG. The only thing we do know about her is that she’s very beautiful and very dangerous. In other words, IGG didn’t really care about making up a story for this hero.

Femme Fatale Score

Femme Fatale ScoreFemme Fatale Score

Here’s the fun part, where I get to be as mean as I like. You’re ugly, you smell, and you get a 0/10 from me! Oh, wait, I’m supposed to be judging Femme Fatale, not you guys. Fine, let’s get to it.

With her pretty generic vampire design and bland backstory, Femme Fatale isn’t off to a great start. If she had amazing Battle Skills or Hero Skills, I might still be tempted to give her a good grade. Unfortunately, she’s not all that special in the skill department.

Her Battle Skills are a mixed bag, making her a questionable choice as an army commander. The Hero Skills are a little better, but still not mind-blowing, which is why I don’t tend to use Thorn a whole lot for Monster hunts or Colosseum clashes.

Overall, she gets a 6/10, which might even be a little generous. She’s a distinctly C-tier hero, far below the truly elite warriors and spellcasters that Lords Mobile has to offer.


Next, let’s take a closer look at Femme Fatale’s skills to see why she scores so low. I’ll even put her skills in bullet point lists to make them easier for those of you who struggle with reading.

Let’s kick off with the Battle Skills:

Femme Fatale Battle SkillsFemme Fatale Battle Skills
  • Vampiric Rose: This ability deals up to 200% squad ATK as DMG to your opponent’s troops.
  • Research Boost: Thorn offers up to 25% faster research speed. This is a passive ability, so you don’t have to do anything to trigger it.
  • Impenetrable Defense: When deployed, Thorn grants the entire army up to 25% bonus DEF.
  • Infantry ATK Boost: Femme Fatale also provides up to 30% extra infantry ATK when deployed.

This is such a weird mixture of abilities. It’s like IGG didn’t know what kind of hero they wanted to make. Is she supposed to be an infantry leader? If so, why does she only have one infantry-oriented skill? It’s just weird. The army DEF boost is useful but boring, and the passive research speed is nice, but you can get a F2P hero like Trickster with the exact same ability.

Next, let’s look at her Hero Skills:

Femme Fatale Hero SkillsFemme Fatale Hero Skills
  • Whip Dance: Thorn’s ultimate ability involves her whipping multiple enemies three times. It doesn’t do a ton of damage, but it can hit large groups, making it quite handy.
  • Swift Maneuver: This is arguably Thorn’s most useful skill, as she slips behind enemy lines to deal damage to multiple enemies and inflicts the Vulnerable effect for five seconds.
  • Feeding Frenzy: This skill simply boosts Life Leech for eight seconds, helping Thorn stay alive.
  • Bloodshot: Thorn’s passive ability increases Pierce.

There’s only one skill I really like in that list, and it’s “Swift Maneuver.” All of the other abilities are basic and boring, and even Grim Wolf has better Life Leech potential than Femme Fatale, so it’s hard to see any real strengths in this character for Hero mode.

Here’s some nerdy stats about Thorn for those who care:

  • Type: Infantry
  • Class: Agility
  • Species: Vampire
  • Sex: Female
  • Movement: Running

How to Unlock the Femme Fatale

How to unlock How to unlock

Femme Fatale might be fine if she were a free hero. Unfortunately, she’s not. You actually have to spend real money to unlock her. And, depending on which method you choose, you may have to spend close to a grand to get her to Legendary level.

If you don’t mind wasting money on mediocrity, here’s how to unlock her: you can buy the first set of Femme Fatale Medals for $4.99. That’ll be enough to unlock her at Common level. To rank her up, you need 330 medals overall.

There are two ways to get those medals: a sensible way and a dumb way for dummies. The sensible way involves buying $5 medal packs every few weeks and improving Femme Fatale gradually. The dumb way is to buy all the medals you need in one go, at an exorbitant price of $775.

Femme Fatale and the Colosseum

Colosseum Line upColosseum Line up

These days, the Colosseum is so competitive, you can’t afford to rush in with heroes who are going to hold you back, like Femme Fatale. She’s just not good enough to feature in any of the best Colosseum lineups, and it’s hard to make any argument in her favor.

I guess you could rely on her to target enemy healers, thanks to “Swift Maneuver” and her big area-of-effect ultimate attack. But there are other heroes who do the same job way more effectively, including freebies, like Demon Slayer.

Rallying with Femme Fatale

Again, I’m forced to repeat the fact that there are better heroes in this game for rallying than Femme Fatale. If you want an infantry leader, you can pick Demon Slayer, Grim Wolf, or Magmaroid, for example. The only real reason to use her is if you desperately want some bonus research speed.

Monster Hunting with Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale isn’t totally useless for Monster hunting. She can work well against Monsters that are weak to physical damage, and her Life Leech ability can help her stay alive. For example, I sometimes use her when battling Hell Driders.

However, the simple fact remains that the game has so many other heroes with better damage output, stronger support skills, and even better Life Leech than Thorn. So there’s not much of a reason to use her unless you have some special affection for this hero.

Tips and Trivia

  • F2P Alternatives: Demon Slayer is the absolute No. 1 alternative to Femme Fatale, both as a commander and in Hero mode. He’s a million times better than her.
  • P2P Alternatives: In the P2P heroes, Grim Wolf is the most similar to Femme Fatale. He offers infantry ATK and DEF boosts, along with a bonus to army HP. Plus, in Hero mode, he has better Life Leech skills.

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