Random: Here's Proof Marvel's Spider-Man Is a Game for Babies

Marvel’s Spider-Man is a goldmine for Sony; the character is immensely popular across basically all media, appealing to a wide audience, and Insomniac Games put together a truly brilliant open world adventure the superhero deserves. It’s just a win all around; no one’s unhappy about Marvel’s Spider-Man. There’s just one thing that some fans can’t accept, and it’s this: the game is, really, for babies.

Obviously we’re just joking — it’s for toddlers and small children too — but to drive the point home, we have video proof that Peter Parker’s PlayStation outing can be played by even the smallest of infants. Twitch streamer Goldy has evidence of his son, who’s less than two years old, kicking butt in the Manhattan streets:

Can’t really argue with that, can you? Undeniable proof that Spidey is for kids. Easy peasy.

In all seriousness, it’s actually pretty impressive, and we couldn’t help but share it. Insomniac likes the video just as much as we do, sharing it on its socials too:

Are you as skilled as this baby at playing Marvel’s Spider-Man? Are you willing to admit that you aren’t? Let’s hear the truth in the comments section below.

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